A tragedy that defies understanding

Other than individuals who are pursuing life “off the grid,” ...

The things they carry in Ukraine

Like many people, I have spent the past few weeks watching and reading ...

“Joseph who?”

What do you know about Joseph? He was the husband of Mary, Jesus’ earthly father, he was a carpenter...

Small things this Lent

This Lent will be a little different for me. 

The Way of the Cross

Jesus says in Luke 9:25 “If any of you wish to be my followers, let them deny themselves and take up...

Father Koch: In silence the disciples descended the mountain

The Second Sunday of Lent takes us to Tabor, the mountain of the Transfiguration.

Trade the Dessert for the Desert

Lent is here! The Gospel for the first Sunday of Lent tells of Jesus going into the desert for 40 days to fast and pray

All shall be well

Humanity’s enduring question to God over our sufferings finds its ...

Of Shriveled Fruits and Tirades

If you are looking for someone to teach you how to grow some lean, mean, shriveled up, malnourished and undersized bell peppers – I’m your girl.

This Lent, remove the ‘noise’

We live in a very noisy world. This was a phrase that popped into my mind recently, as I was supposed to be ...

Jesus and a Peloton bike

"You are brave. Thank you for showing up!"

Check out my Resume

Have you ever put together a resume for a job? Or maybe you’re working on one for college applications. 

Father Koch: At the root of mercy stands justice grounded in love

As we continue with the Sermon on the Plain ...

“Do you trust me?”

Do you have someone in your life you don’t quite trust? Maybe you have an older brother who’s always...

Love transforms the world, one encounter at a time

As I watched my three-year-old grandson sitting at the kitchen table,

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