From Staff Reports

Catholic Home Missions Appeal April 27-28 supports US mission diocese, parishes

Donations to the annual Catholic Home Missions Appeal "make ...

Annual Catholic Appeal: By the Numbers

An overview of how donations to the ACA impact the Diocese of Trenton and those whom it serves.

Catholic Schools Week fills school communities with lasting memories

A successful Catholic Schools Week 2024 is down in the books, and the memories created for ...

Bishop prepares to welcome priests to Rome for nine-day pilgrimage

Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., along with some 20 priests and two diocesan staff, will make a pilgrimage to Rome Jan. 4-12, visiting a number of holy sites, attending Masses and witnessing the General Audience of Pope Francis.

The Christmas story is worth telling over and over again

One would think that after more than 2,000 years, people would tire of telling and hearing the Christmas story.

Perspectives: Top risk factors for young people

We asked those who work with children and teens in the Diocese to share with us their insight ...

Bishop O’Connell elected chair of the USCCB’s Committee on Catholic Education

“I am humbled by the support of my brother bishops and I hope and pray I can be of service to the Church and its educational mission.”

Conference aims to help parishes develop ‘intercultural competence’

In an upcoming daylong conference for parish staff, council members, volunteers and ministry leaders ...

Understanding Homelessness

Pope Francis commented on worldwide housing issues in his 2015 encyclical, “Laudato Si’” ...

Annual Catholic Schools Mass, Oct. 12, to be Livestreamed

Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., and Catholic school students from ...

Parishes to lead Cohort mission, Eucharistic-themed events

Focusing on the National Eucharistic Revival, now in its parish phase, communities of Catholic faithful ...

Mount Carmel Guild plans annual gala Oct. 20

All who support the mission of Mount Carmel Guild of Trenton diocesan outreach agency that provides assistance ...

Bishop invites laity to pray for the Synod

In a letter sent Sept. 20, 2023, to all priests of the Diocese, Bishop David M O’Connell, C.M., called for prayer ...

‘Walking Together as Church’ conference planned Nov. 18

“Build Your Knowledge and Skills for Walking Together as Church” is the theme of a daylong conference ...

Message of thanks to Diocese for support of USCCB collections

Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., along with the clergy, religious and faithful of the Diocese, were recently acknowledged ...

Bishop joins Co-Cathedral community for feast day observance

While St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral is often the site of ...

Ten parish catechetical leaders poised to hand on the faith in new assignments

Parishes around the Diocese are looking forward to the start of a new catechetical year ...

Opportunities to donate, witness and pray abound for upcoming Respect Life Month

As October approaches, pro-life ministries around the Diocese of Trenton are planning events ...

A month for life

October marks the Catholic Church in the United States’ celebration of Respect Life Month ...

St. Jerome School cultivates learning with nature in new gardens

Taking education beyond the classroom this past year, St. Jerome School created ...

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