Father Koch: Simple enough: Love one another

Jesus delivers a lengthy and thorough instruction ...

One mom-theologian's take on how to keep kids Catholic

Raising faithful Catholic kids in today's society is not easy.

Pope asks lay Catholics to prepare for synod's 'prophetic' stage

The most important outcome of the current Synod of Bishops on synodality ...

People decide whether to bring peace to the world or not, Pope says

Peace begins when each person decides to accept it ...

Father Koch: Jesus as the vine identifies himself and us with Israel

There are multiple ways in which the Gospel writers see Jesus ...

Pope: Jesus laid down his life out of love for each person

When Jesus called himself the "good shepherd," ...

Why Catholics make the sign of the cross

I used to make the sign of the cross casually ...

The vine and the branches

There’s an old saying that you probably have heard or even said many times..

What's going on with the Latin Mass?

Q: What's going on with the Latin Mass, and why do some priests like to celebrate...

Embark with your child on a 'Catholic Sacraments Adventure'

I recently had a chance to preview Voyage Publishing's newest hardcover book for young readers -- "Seek and You Will Find: A Catholic Sacraments Adventure"...

National Eucharistic Congress promises 'profound impact' for families

Catholics will come to Indianapolis in the t ...National Eucharistic Congress promises 'profound impact' for families

'Don't be afraid to take leap' and consider a call to vocation, nuns tell students

A pair of Sister Servants of the Lord ...

Lay Catholics have key role in church's mission in today's world, says top Knight

Addressing the John Carroll Society at its April 13 ...


This week, we hear a lot about cornerstones and, by context alone...

Pope: In age of excess, temperance helps one experience real joy

Exercising the virtue of temperance is not ...

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