UPDATED: FIOF Commission Members bring wealth of experience, knowledge to table

Following are brief bios of commission members, organized by their county assignments, and including a glimpse into their background and vision for the future of the Diocese.

Planning Commission convenes to develop Preliminary Recommendations for parishes

The Diocese of Trenton’s Faith in Our Future initiative entered its next significant phase June 14, as the Diocesan Planning Commission began a three-day retreat and conference in Eatontown to develop recommendations on how best to strengthen parishes. Made up of 24 persons, the Planning Commission’s work is the third …

Monthly Update| July 2016: Preliminary recommendations issued for parish changes, Cohorts to discuss and respond

Faith in Our Future, the pastoral planning process that has been underway across the Diocese of Trenton since Fall 2015, calls for each of the 107 parishes involved to pursue a new course that will lead to stronger faith communities and more effective ministry.This month, these parishes covering Burlington, Mercer, …

Cohorts discuss Commission recommendations, seek input from parishioners across Diocese

When it comes to working together for the future of the Catholic Church within the Diocese, Mary Ann Figura is optimistic. “All four priests in our Cohort are committed to this process, and when you have this kind of leadership, it really does flow onto the laity working with them. …

Faith In Our Future Monthly Update -- September 2016

Summertime in the parishes of the Diocese of Trenton had a decidedly different look and feel this year. The typically quieter months of July and August were instead quite busy as parishioners, lay leaders and clergy worked to fully digest and respond to preliminary recommendations that had been made about …

'Guided by Faith': Planning Commission reconvenes to develop final recommendations for Bishop

The Diocese’s Faith in Our Future initiative reached a pivotal phase Oct. 18 as members of the Diocesan Planning Commission gathered in Eatontown for a three-day retreat to prepare final recommendations for parish development.The retreat began in prayer as the 24 members of the Planning Commission came together for Mass …

Bishop receives Faith in Our Future recommendations

Surrounded by diocesan leaders and planners, Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., received the product of more than a year’s worth of intense study and hard work by every parish in the Diocese as he was presented the final recommendations in the Faith in Our Future initiative Nov. 10.

Bishop consults with priests, diocesan leaders on planning recommendations

The season of Advent, a time of prayerful reflection and preparation, has provided an ideal setting for the period of consultation that Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., is conducting on the recommendations issued in October by the Diocesan Planning Commission.  The Bishop held a series of meetings throughout early December …

Bishop David M. O'Connell's pastoral letter on our future together

As we move into a New Year, the time is right for us to adjust our vision to “new things” for our Diocese.  While what “has been” in our past experience is comfortable, we are a living, changing Catholic community, a changing local Church that is, in St. Augustine’s words, …

Bishop announces Faith in Our Future decisions

Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., announced his decisions Jan. 25 in response to recommendations made as part of the Faith in Our Future pastoral planning process.

Parish centers for cultural ministries to serve needs of diverse community

As parishes met individually and in Cohorts during the evaluation and consultation phases of the Faith in Our Future initiative, a priority that emerged was the need to provide for the growing diversity within the Diocese.  

Collaborative parishes sharing the load

The Faith in Our Future decisions announced by Bishop O’Connell this week group the parishes of the Diocese of Trenton into 25 Cohorts of collaborative parishes.  All of the parishes, even those involved in a linkage or merger at some time during the next three years, will be collaborating with …

Standing in the doorway

For many who read this article the beginning may seem strange. Harkening back to my high school years, I remember learning about the ancient Roman god “Janus.”   He is usually depicted as standing in the portal of the doorway of life and having two faces. 

A summary of the Faith in Our Future decisions

The decisions announced by Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., Jan. 25, will be implemented over a three-year period (2017-2020) resulting in:

Teams forming, training set for FIOF implementation phase

Now that Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., has announced his decisions regarding parish planning and strengthening, the diocesan-led Faith in Our Future process is moving into its next phase – implementation. Gearing up in much the same way that the initial consultation process unfolded in the fall of 2015, the …

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