Small things this Lent

This Lent will be a little different for me. 

Eucharist assures believers that Christ is victorious, cardinal says

Focusing on the meaning and importance of the Eucharist "with the horrors of war before our eyes" does not distract one from reality, but provides a broader perspective for understanding it, said Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher of the papal household.

Centuries-old Marian icon offers solace, protection amid horror of war

As Ukrainians turn to their faith amid the ongoing tragedy ...

Father Koch: In silence the disciples descended the mountain

The Second Sunday of Lent takes us to Tabor, the mountain of the Transfiguration.

Working through Loss: How parish bereavement ministries assist with the grieving process

Grief is always unique to the situation and the individual – but one thing remains common ...

Father Koch: Lent gives each of us our own time in the wilderness

Jesus traveled into the wilderness to spend time alone to reflect on ...

All shall be well

Humanity’s enduring question to God over our sufferings finds its ...

Do good unto others, ditch digital addictions for Lent, Pope says

Christians must persevere in generously doing good in the world, bolstered by prayer and by fighting evil ...

Father Koch: The coming season of Lent calls us to reflect on our own judgments

Our Lenten journey begins this coming week ...

Jesus and a Peloton bike

"You are brave. Thank you for showing up!"

Love, protect the church despite its faults, Pope says

 The same love that gave St. Joseph the strength to protect Jesus and Mary must inspire Christians...

Father Koch: At the root of mercy stands justice grounded in love

As we continue with the Sermon on the Plain ...

Father Koch: Discipleship begins when we are poor and hungry

St. Luke has a slightly different version of the Beatitudes than the more well-known version by St. Matthew. 

Father Koch: To be a fisher of men is the first call of discipleship

Jesus, an itinerant preacher is beginning to make some noise in Capernaum.

Father Koch: Cost of discipleship

The ancient call to prophecy, or a call to service for ...

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