Pope: Synodal, Lenten journeys require sacrifice, focus on God

Tradition is a source of inspiration for seeking out new paths to take with Jesus and for avoiding...

Beyond money and success, build community, Pope tells businesspeople

Businesspeople in today's culture plagued by individualism must look beyond money and success to work for the common good, Pope Francis said.

People of faith are called to 'to love and be loved,' says former adviser to St. Teresa of Kolkata

St. Teresa of Kolkata lived a beautiful and profound example of faith, hope and charity, ...

New Easter book written by young adults focuses on Eucharist as 'direct line to the heart of Jesus'

A hand enveloped in rays of light reaches out to ...

Pope: The world often turns a deaf ear to God's Word

Persecution has led to people spreading – not forgetting – the Gospel to the many places they go, Pope Francis said.

Father Koch: How do we love one another in the age of social media?

Jesus continues his commentary on the Mosaic Law, ...

What we as Church can learn from Mardi Gras

Catholics treasure the unity we have in faith.

Pope: Jesus wants us to love fully, not flaunt facade of following rules

Religious rules are good and necessary, but Jesus wants his disciples...

Force and suffering: Suggestions for Lenten reading

"Put your sword back into its sheath," Jesus rebuked a disciple in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Journeying through Lent with the love that never fails

No matter how old I get, February is always a time of ...

Father Koch: We have a curious relationship with the Law of Moses

There are numerous times in his ministry when Jesus is confronted by ...

Never stop growing in sport or spirit, Pope tells amateur athletes

The training, discipline and motivation needed even by amateur athletes are also tools for ...

'Lourdes,' a compelling documentary on matters of faith

Documentary "Lourdes" presents a moving portrait of one of the world's most popular pilgrimage sites ...

Pope clarifies remarks about homosexuality and sin

Pope Francis reaffirmed that homosexuality is not ...

Father Koch: What would Jesus think of taking a selfie when performing a miracle?

Sometimes it might feel like the Gospel is full of ...

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