Encouragement, Eucharistic adoration key to fostering priest vocations, report shows

Personal encouragement and Eucharistic adoration are ...

Pope tells priests: Be icons of Christ, wipe tears like Veronica

Priests are called to be "a true icon of Jesus,"...

Instagram helps to spread the word that ‘TrentonMakesPriests’

Having spent years as a high school and college chaplain, ...

Vocations director: All ‘have skin in the game’ to support those called to priesthood

When it comes to vocations to the priesthood, ...

Sister Brunilda Ramos follows devotion to God from one ‘shattered soul’ to next

If anyone asks Religious Teachers Filippini Sister Brunilda Ramos, M.P.F., how she is doing on any given day ...

UPDATE: Bishop installs men preparing for diaconate into Ministries of Lector, Acolyte

Nineteen men who are preparing for ordination to ...

Pope gives seminarians Lenten goals

During Lent, Pope Francis said, Catholics – and especially Catholic seminarians – should rediscover ...

Mercy Sister Carole MacKenthun makes children’s education a personal mission

The many threads of Mercy Sister Carole MacKenthun’s life weave together in a tapestry of service ...

Vocations to religious life in US decline, but key factors can positively impact numbers

new report shows a continued decrease in the number...

Consecrated women and men: Spreading the light of Christ

Each year, the Catholic Church celebrates World Day for Consecrated Life.

UPDATED: Bishop, seminarians gather for Christmas celebration

With the Diocese’s seminarians pursuing studies for the priesthood ...

UPDATED: Making Christ a priority was focus of spirituality day for priests

St. John the Baptist Parish, Allentown, served as the site for the ...

Candidates for diaconate offer feedback on formation, prepare for practicum

For diaconate candidates to be ordained May 18, 2024, their second-to-last semester of formation has been ...

Annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection Dec. 9-10

Sponsored by the Washington-based National Religious Retirement Office, the annual collection ...

No one can or will change the nature of the priesthood, cardinal says

The only way to carry out the new evangelization called for by Pope...

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