Diocese welcomes newest priest with ordination of Father Sansevere

As newly ordained Father Stephen Sansevere knelt before the Diocese of Trenton’s shepherd, he was reminded of two of the Church’s holy Sacraments: The Sacrament of Holy Orders and that of Matrimony.

Six new deacons poised for service after being ordained by Bishop O’Connell

For the Diocese of Trenton’s six new deacons, there were a number of firsts that came with their June 20 Ordination Day.

Rev. Mr. Sansevere looking forward to many ‘firsts’ in priesthood

As far back as he can remember, all Stephen Sansevere ever talked about while growing up was wanting to be a cop or a priest. 

Ballacillo sees upcoming diaconal ordination as ‘great blessing’

Rjoy Ballacillo believes having a strong relationship with God is what lies at the heart of his wanting to become a priest.

Profiles on the five men who will serve their parishes as permanent deacons

The following five men who will become permanent deacons for the Diocese of Trenton following their June 20 ordination by Bishop David M. O'Connell, C.M., are: John Edward Barrett, Russell David Greiner, Mark D. McNulty, John Senkewicz and Edward Woram.

Bishop to ordain one priest, six deacons for ministry in Diocese

Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., will ordain one man to the diocesan priesthood and six others to the diaconate during Masses set for June 27 and June 20 respectively in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold.

Vocations program leads young men to further discern call to priesthood

Becoming a priest is something that’s been in the back of Patrick Caulfield’s mind for the past five years or so.

Bishop’s visit brings great joy to HCPA community

Energy was high and there were smiles all around Burlington County’s only Catholic high school as students, faculty and staff welcomed Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., Feb. 7.   Bishop O'Connell preaches his homily during the Mass he celebrated for the Holy Cross Preparatory Academy community Feb. 7. Several priests …

Deacon finds spiritual strength in prison ministry

Ministering to the men incarcerated in the federal prison at Fort Dix has not only impacted the inmates, but also the man who has spent time with them for the past seven years.

Spiritual crisis led Oregon woman on journey to become consecrated virgin

Next May, Miriam Marston will wear a white dress, receive a ring and stand in front of the altar at St. Mary Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Portland.

Siblings born two minutes apart continue strong bond as religious sisters

Benedictine Sisters Jill and Susan Reuber have often shared the same path in life, but their roads...

Family prayer, reading lives of saints inspire vocations, says sister

How many Catholic parents today encourage their young children to consider a vocation to the priesthood or religious life?

Monastery life allows God 'to make us truly free,' says Cistercian nun

Less than 10 miles north of Prairie du Sac, 22 contemplative Catholic nuns of the Cistercian Order live quietly on 112 acres of farmland.

Lay Catholics have their own part to play in the mission of the Church

A recent blog post on the vocation of the laity drew a flurry of comments from readers including one who was frustrated by the idea that a Catholic blogger was trying to make a vocation into something more than the reader believed it actually was – a career choice by …

Parents supportive of their sons’ priestly calling

When Dora M. Blanchett learned her son, Edward, was considering the priesthood, she asked, “Are you sure?” She and her husband, Donald “Eddie” Blanchett, then encouraged him to pursue his priestly vocation.

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