Fostering devotion to Eucharist has been priority for Father Kwoka

Though Father Edward Kwoka has spent nearly half of his 43-year priesthood in the Diocese of Trenton...

Priesthood has always been a joy for Father Jawidzik

Father Edward M. Jawidzik has often said that one of the “most wonderful gifts” he has received ...

Newly retired Father Crane recalls joys, challenges of priesthood

As a former meteorologist, Father Mark Crane understands the need to know...

With God’s grace: Fr. Rubiano's 25 years of priesthood

In a quiet area amid the otherwise bustling corridors of Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Father Caesar Rubiano...

Father Kegley credits Holy Spirit for 25 joyful years

Reflecting on 25 years of priestly ministry, Father Jeff Kegley admits that he wasn’t seeking religious life...

Mercy Sister Carol Ann Henry looks back on years leading Mercy Center

t’s been 39 years since Mercy Sister Carol Ann Henry opened the Mercy Center in Asbury Park...

Service is at the heart of Father Virella 25 years of priesthood

“The Lord God calls us to serve.” For Divine Word Father Miguel Virella, these words continue to inspire...

Palmieri shares message of how Catholics can set the world on fire through their faith

Ask 14-year-old Ava Minall what she enjoyed most about the July 21 presentation given by JMJ Missions’ Dan Palmieri, and she says it was the way he “spoke with such certainty and shared many real-life stories about the miracles of saints and devout Catholics.”

Office of Vocations to sponsor pilgrimage to Pennsylvania shrine

The diocesan Office of Vocations is inviting young men ages 15 – 40 to join on a pilgrimage ...

Seminarians take time to contemplate relationship with Jesus

The annual Seminarians Retreat for the Diocese of Trenton, held June 14-18 in San Alfonso Retreat House, Long Branch, was a time of reflection and respite for the some 13 seminarians who attended.

At “Come and See” gathering, young men learn more about discerning a call to priesthood

Becoming a priest is something Justin McCarthy has been thinking about on and off for the past three years.

Poor Clare sisters welcome Bishop for Mass, election process

Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., visited the Monastery of St. Clare, Chesterfield, June 22 where he celebrated Mass with the Poor Clare sisters.

'Receive the gifts you are,' forum keynoter tells young Catholic women

Sister Bethany Madonna of the Sisters of Life opened the first day of the GIVEN Institute's annual Catholic Young Women's Leadership Forum with a keynote titled "Casting the Vision," a reflection of her work in GIVEN and a strong reference to the concept of the entire forum.

Young men invited to Vocations Mass, BBQ with Bishop

An afternoon of discussion and camaraderie with the Diocese’s shepherd and priests will take place June 29 for those discerning a call to the priesthood.

In Ordination homily Bishop tells new priest: ‘You were chosen for this gift … strive to be holy’

Deacon Ballacillo, consider the life and mission you are about to undertake by the laying on of my hands as Successor to the Apostles and by the consecratory prayer as a gift. Use it well.  

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