Faithful called to enter into spiritual communion

Though public Holy Week and Easter celebrations look different this year, the faithful are being urged to remember “that the underlying mysteries of our faith in the Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection have not changed.”

Longing for Eucharist during Lent, Easter season an invitation to trust

In the midst of isolation when we are suffering … let us once again listen to the proclamation that saves us: He is risen and is living by our side.”  

An Easter message from Bishop O'Connell: ‘And they remembered his words'

It often takes a moment or two for things to sink in.  When we find ourselves in situations we did not expect, our minds rarely grasp what has happened right away.  That first Easter Sunday morning at the tomb was just such an occasion.

Priests of Diocese renew commitment, pray for all impacted by virus in synchronized Mass

On the Monday of Holy Week, priests across the Diocese of Trenton celebrated Mass from their respective churches, simultaneously, with Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M.

In message, Bishop calls Palm Sunday 'the door' of a saving week

When building a house, the location of the door is a critically important part of the planning. The door is the entrance way to the rest of the house. It is the place from which a person gets a first glimpse and impression of what is inside.   

Pope on Palm Sunday: Life, measured by love, is meant to serve others

With a small procession down the vast and empty central nave of St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis began the first of a series of Holy Week liturgies ...

Keeping the Feast: Party of one and a laptop: setting the table for a virtual Holy Week

Palm Sunday will see the family sharing seafood dinners in our own homes as we chat over the internet and phone.

New guide helps faithful have prayerful Holy Week at home

To help faithful celebrate Holy Week at home –a guide for individuals and families.

Keeping the Feast: Recipe suggestions from friends help make the best of socially distant Lent

Friends peppered this very peculiar Lent with questions about what was on the dinner menu here. In return, they’d fill me in on the dinners they were preparing in their own homes.

UPDATE: Bishop to celebrate Palm Sunday Mass at 11:30 a.m.

An update has been made to the time that Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., will celebrate Mass on Palm Sunday, April 5.

Bishop O’Connell, dozens of parishes to celebrate Holy Week and Easter liturgies via livestream

At a time when all churches in the Diocese of Trenton are closed to Mass-goers because of coronavirus restrictions, Catholics are invited to commemorate Palm Sunday and the arrival of Holy Week April 5 as a virtual experience via video livestreaming. 

Keeping the Feast: Pasta e Fagioli offers comfort in a bowl

Prayer, good conversation and comfort food are what I turn to when things get really stressful.

Donovan Catholic produces Way of the Cross on YouTube

With devotional practices shifted to a home-based exercise, the Lenten tradition of praying the Stations of the Cross is no exception.

Keeping the Feast: Social distancing with tomato bisque and joie de vivre

"We will be social distancing, but we will not lose our joie de vivre."

Chrism Mass closed to public but will be livestreamed; televised Easter Mass to be shown; Blue Mass canceled

The Diocese of Trenton announced March 18 that the public Chrism Mass scheduled for April 6 has been canceled, due to the restriction by government and health officials against events involving large groups of people during the coronavirus crisis.

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