Keeping the Feast: Escarole and Cannellini Bean Soup

This is a recipe adapted over the years from memories of the escarole soup my grandmother Mae used to make.

Keeping the Feast: Pasta Primavera

This pasta dish was concocted by a good friend who saw it as a way to get as many vegetables as possible into the mouths of her children...

Keeping the Feast: Vegetable Cod Soup

Cod is a white fish that’s low in fat and high in vitamins A and D and omega-3 fatty acids. While best known as the main ingredient in classic fish and chips, the mild-tasting fish is easy to cook...

Pandemic offers chance to regroup virtually at kitchen table during Lent

There have been many unintended consequences of the pandemic that arrived last year during Lent. Most have been painful and hard to bear.

2021 Lenten Regulations

During the days and weeks of penance that lie ahead — from Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021 until Holy Thursday, April 1, 2021  —  the Catholic Church throughout the world commemorates the penitential season of Lent.

Lent is time to grow and share in faith, hope, love, Pope says

As Christians pray, fast and give alms during Lent, they also should consider giving a smile and offering a kind word to people feeling alone or frightened because of the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis said.

Rite of Election to be held in parishes this year

This year’s Rite of Election on the First Sunday of Lent, Feb. 21, will be different than in past years. But the Rite will continue to remain a significant major milestone for those who participate.

Online templates, giving available for CRS Rice Bowl participation

Catholic faithful are encouraged to participate in the annual Rice Bowl program for those in poverty.

Virtual Lenten retreat for catechists, families Feb. 16

Catechists and families can enrich their Lenten experience by learning how to carry out the three pillars of prayer, penance and almsgiving during a virtual retreat Feb. 16.

Stream the Stations with Bishop O’Connell this Lent

Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., will lead a special, multimedia experience of the Way of the Cross, which will be available for streaming on the Diocese of Trenton’s YouTube channel beginning Friday, Feb. 19.

This Lent, ‘give God more time to speak to us’

The season of Lent has arrived, and with it the importance of prayer and penance become a special focus of our attention once again as we “journey to Jerusalem” with our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Local businessman pays it forward through church decorating gift

Growing up in the 1970s, Paul Pennacchi vividly recalls the colorful Christmas flowers and decorations ...

In Marlton, many hands work to brighten Christmas for those in need

Throughout the year, the Helping Hands Ministry in St. Joan of Arc Parish, Marlton, strives to help folks who are ...

Tradition of Epiphany door blessing with chalk is symbol of hope in 2021

The ancient Christian tradition of marking doorways with blessed chalk on the feast of the Epiphany will carry new meaning for many Catholics in 2021.

‘Let Christmas open your eyes, hearts to hope,’ Bishop preaches in Christmas homilies

Acknowledging the challenges the pandemic-stricken world has experienced in the past year, Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., urged every faithful person to look to the hope Christmas brings.

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