Brother of Terri Schiavo says fight to protect life at all stages more urgent than ever

Bobby Schindler still remembers his older sister's love...

US lawmakers push anti-discrimination bill to protect pregnancy resource centers

The language of the latest incarnation of the Let Pregnancy ...

Pro-life movement needs new approach, driven by all the faithful, dicastery says

The Dicastery for Laity, the Family and Life has published a...

Archbishop: Pope's convalescence is reminder everyone deserves proper care

Pope Francis' extended hospitalization and care is a reminder...

IVF order likely to fuel destruction of human embryos, not birth rates, say leaders, experts

President Donald Trump's Feb. 18 executive order ...

The future of women’s health care: Trusting pregnancy centers to meet women’s need

“I came to Choices Women’s Center because I was building my exit plan.”

Georgetown conference calls on pro-life activists to globalize 'revolution of love'

Pro-life activists examined their cause as a global one....

Care for life at all stages unfolds, builds upon 'defense of life in the womb,' homilist says

Care for life in all its stages "should be seen as an unfolding...

Catholics in social ministry told to build bridges with God's help 'organizing hope'

The theme of bridge-building in community outreach...

Trump bars taxpayer funding for abortion in the U.S. or overseas

President Donald Trump on Jan. 24 ...

Bishop, faithful stand together, give thanks for gift of all human life

“We’re here to pray for more babies.”

Local Catholics travel to D.C. to march for life’s most vulnerable

Catholics from the Diocese of Trenton who attended ...

At National Prayer Vigil for Life, young people challenged 'to be a light in our culture'

In a basilica "adorned with beautiful mosaic art," the "most impressive"...

Most Americans support legal limits on abortion, Knights-Marist poll shows

A majority of Americans support legal limits on abortion...

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