Pope: Visit grandparents, elderly, bring joy to their hearts

God wants young people to bring joy...

Sow seeds of faith, even when their fruits are not immediate, Pope says

Even if the fruits are not immediately visible...

Pope: Look to God with childlike wonder

Only by shedding feelings of personal greatness and regaining a sense of wonder in God's love can people welcome Jesus into their hearts and lives, Pope Francis said.

Be transformed by the Eucharist, Pope asks Catholics

Catholics must place the Eucharist at the center of their lives...

Put preaching at center of the Church, Pope tells new archbishops

In the mold of Sts. Peter and Paul, Catholics are called to be...

Pope urges bishops to teach discernment, including on political issues

Sometimes the political choices people face can seem like a choice between supporting a "snake" or supporting a "dragon," but Pope Francis told a group of U.S. bishops their job is to step back from partisan politics and help their faithful discern based on values, said Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo …

Holy Spirit guides Church efforts to evangelize, Pope says at audience

The Holy Spirit guides the Catholic Church's mission, pointing the way to evangelize new lands and opening people's hearts to be transformed by Christ ...

Mind your own business each day to grow in holiness, Pope says

Too often Catholics know what is going on in their neighbor's house ...

Lofty titles do not guarantee entrance to heaven, Pope says

 A life marked by humility, faith and love determines whether Christians enter heaven, not who they know, Pope Francis said.

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