Catechetical professional day is a time for introductions

In anticipation of the new school year, directors and coordinators of religious education representing 74 parishes across the diocese assembled Aug. 17 for a professional day where they were introduced to both a revised curriculum, and to the new vicar for Catholic Education, Father Douglas A. Freer.

First Mass for all in catechetical ministry Nov. 12

The gifts and talents of all persons who serve in the ministry of catechesis will be recognized in a special and prayerful way at the first-ever diocesan Mass for All in Catechetical Ministry to be celebrated Nov. 12 at 10 a.m. in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton.

Msgr. Smith recalled for his abiding faith, good humor and gift of song

Msgr. Alfred D. Smith, who died at age 87 on Sept. 12, was remembered for his deep faith and the ability to share it by clergy, family and scores of former parishioners during a Mass of Christian Burial celebrated by Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M. Sept. 12 in St. Rose …

Msgr. Alfred D. Smith, was pastor of Belmar parish for 25 years

Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., will be principal celebrant of a Mass of Christian Burial Sept. 19 at 11 a.m. in St. Rose Church, Belmar, for Msgr. Alfred D. Smith, who died Sept. 12.

Rosemary O'Connor, longtime religion teacher at Holy Cross High

Rosemary O’Connor, who was a religion teacher in Holy Cross High School, Delran, for 25 years, died Sept. 8 in Philadelphia at age 65.

Herbert had many years of service with Catholic Charities

A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated Sept. 16 at 11 a.m. in St. James Church, Pennington, for Michael J. Herbert, who died Sept. 12 in his Titusville home. He was 73.

Bishop O'Connell exhorts new deacon candidates to step forward with joy

Before Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., formally accepted the class of 15 men as candidates for the diocesan diaconate formation program, he offered the clear and direct words of guidance on the vocation they are about to pursue.

Asbury Park parishes present recommendations to Bishop O'Connell

Culminating nearly two years of study, including 10 months of consultation with an Interparish Pastoral Commission, pastors from the Asbury Park area Catholic parishes, and their IPC members, presented their parish restructuring recommendations to Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., during an evening prayer service and dinner in the diocesan pastoral …

Let the Light Shine

Hundreds of diocesan PTA members were urged to take the light of Catholic education out from under the proverbial bushel, lift it high and let it shine at the 86th Annual Conference of the Trenton Diocesan Council of Parent Teacher Associations Sept. 24.

Share the Spirit

A quality diamond is recognizable by its durability, clarity, and many sparkling facets. St. Ann Parish, Lawrenceville, celebrated the opening of its diamond jubilee year the weekend of Sept. 24-25 with a slate of events which illustrated these qualities polished to a brilliant finish over its 75 years of service …

Anniversary Year Ends on Festive Note

It’s been 125 years since Capuchin Father James A. Walsh spotted the perfect place on Ocean Avenue to plant a church for the hard working community of Irish immigrants who toiled in the glittering mansions and hotels of Long Branch, then the nation’s premier resort.

Service marks St. Michael Parish history

Founded to meet the needs of the “Colleens,” Irish immigrant women working in the wealthy homes, hotels, casinos and race tracks of Long Branch, then one of the nation’s premier resorts, St. Michael Parish was at first a mission of Star of the Sea parish, its neighbor just to the …

Sharing, Caring, Belonging

The culmination of a three-year long observance marking the 50th anniversary of St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Cinnaminson, took place Sept. 25 when Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving.

Spiritual enrichment, perpetual Adoration: a parish history

The 1950s was a time of tremendous growth for Cinnaminson as a number of new housing developments were being constructed and people, mostly from the Philadelphia, were moving into the area.

Parishes recognize catechists for sharing the faith

Each year, on the third Sunday of September, the Catholic Church in the United States honors those in catechetical ministry – the essential work of forming children and adults in the Catholic faith – through the celebration of Catechetical Sunday.

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