Death penalty fuels 'poison' of revenge in society, Pope says

Capital punishment promotes a deadly attitude of revenge ...

New lawsuit adds to flurry of litigation between NY attorney general, pro-life groups

Pro-life groups in New York filed a new lawsuit against New York Attorney General Letitia James...

New USCCB secretariat will advocate for 'just policies' that 'promote human dignity'

Jill Rauh, the executive director of a newly created secretariat ...

New review board chair: 'We can't be satisfied' until there is zero abuse in church

Retired FBI official James Bogner was recently named chair ....

Through Vatican initiative, women religious help vulnerable children in El Salvador

Mercedarian Sister Silvia Flores darted across a street...

It's 90 seconds to midnight: Can Catholics stop the tick tock of the Doomsday Clock?

The Doomsday Clock – the theoretical timepiece that measures humanity's march...

Senate fails to advance bipartisan tax bill with poverty-fighting child tax credit

The U.S. Senate on Aug. 1 failed to advance...

Retired FBI agent, clergy abuse survivor and social workers appointed to bishops' National Review Board

A retired FBI agent will head up the U.S. bishops' consultative safe environment body...

Fight against trafficking must include combating its crimes online, advocate says

Strategic collaboration, especially with law enforcement ...

Pope urges political leaders to be at service of the people, not power

Pope Francis has called on political leaders to be at the ...

Knights of Columbus cover mosaics in Washington shrine created by priest-artist accused of abuse

Premium brown paper was placed over significant portions of an extensive mosaic program...

Pope calls for a global cease-fire during Olympics, a more inclusive world

With world peace under serious threat, Pope Francis called on all nations to observe the Olympic truce and cease all conflicts...

La. governor cuts $1 million to Catholic Charities homeless shelter over church's care for migrants

Drastic cuts in state funding for a Catholic Charities' homeless shelter...

Pope asks world's religions to push for ethical AI development

Pope Francis called on representatives from the world's religions...

CCDOT joins national campaign to promote agency’s ‘mighty source for good’

As Catholic Charities USA begins its national media campaign “We Are There,” Catholic Charities ...

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