Father Gallagher’s 50 years of varied priestly adventures

When Father Richard Gallagher retired from active ministry ...

Msgr. Brady known for building parish around Eucharist

Celebrating a half-century of priesthood, Msgr. James J. Brady ...

Father Manning strives to ‘do everything for Jesus Christ’

More than 25 years ago, Father Michael Manning was given a front seat for ...

‘In Their Old Age, They Still Bear Fruit’

A homily given by Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., for World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, July 23 and 24

A look back to our Eucharistic Congress

As the Church throughout the United States is poised to begin a three-year Eucharistic Revival, The Monitor is marking the 10th anniversary of the Diocese of Trenton’s first Eucharistic Congress. 

Excerpts from 'Do this in Memory of Me'

The following are excerpts taken from the catechetical writing series on the Holy Eucharist by Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., originally published by The Monitor in August 2016.

USCCB document on Holy Eucharist

The following are excerpts from the document “The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church,” developed by the Committee on Doctrine of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

A ‘movement’ that gets to the core of Catholic faith

Beginning June 19 on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, the National Eucharistic Revival seeks to renew both understanding of and fervor for the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist – coming from Heaven into our midst every time the holy sacrifice of the …

Eucharistic Revival will get a weekend launch in Diocese of Trenton

The Diocese of Trenton is devoting an entire weekend to the launch of the Eucharistic Revival. And it’s the goal that both days will provide occasions for families to come together for some fun and to celebrate their Catholic faith.

The Eucharistic Revival: ‘My Flesh for the Life of the World’

As Christians we know that we need Christ to be present in our lives.

Christ in the Eucharist – A revival of the soul

As a professional “Church lady,” a lay person working for the Church in religious...

Everything you need to know about the National Eucharistic Revival

Launching on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, or Corpus Christi ...

Blessed Mother represents a beacon of hope for Christians throughout history

Turning to a pillar of strength when facing challenges and crises has been humanity’s tendency throughout history. Christians recognize the need to draw upon the wisdom and help of our Creator when facing insurmountable tasks, persecution, plague and disaster.

Mary’s titles are as countless as the stars

As the month of May unfolds, the centuries-old custom of ...

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