February observances highlight the gift of sacramental marriage

Individuals, couples and parishes throughout the Diocese of Trenton are invited to honor and celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage during National Marriage Week...

National Marriage Week 2023: A Sacrament most sacred and most serious

Before the liturgical changes introduced by the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), women and men entering a sacramental marriage in the Catholic Church...

Marriage is a gift from God that benefits everyone, Pope says

Marriage is not a ceremony, a social event, a mere formality or an abstract ideal, Pope Francis said.

Seasonal books help readers stay focused on faith this Christmas

When Clement Clarke Moore wrote, “An Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas...

Where to find the Lord on Christmas

Are you looking for the Lord this Christmas? Then consider casting your gaze closer to home ...

The Nativity: Faith’s beauty revealed in a humble scene of encounter

“Let us go, then, to Bethlehem to see this thing that has taken place, ..."

Sweet spice and everything nice on Christmas morning

Once thought to be more valuable than gold, cinnamon is mentioned in the Bible as one ...

Catechesis on the Holy Eucharist

As we continue our diocesan participation in this first year of the “Eucharistic Revival” ...

Traveling exhibit on Eucharistic miracles bolsters faith for all generations

Catholic saints, sages and scholars through the ages have ...

Resources available within the Diocese for those experiencing unplanned pregnancies

When women and the men in their lives find themselves facing ...

March for Life in D.C. set; Mass for life planned in Diocese

Following the June 24 overturn of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court, the national pro-life movement has gained new momentum for the annual  National March for Life  in Washington, D.C.

Project Rachel Ministries aim to walk with those seeking healing after abortion

Providing lifesaving and life-affirming assistance to mothers in need is crucial ...

Consistent support part of Knights’ pro-life legacy

While October is designated as Respect Life month, ...

Respect Life advocates from Moorestown parish a powerful force in changing minds

Claire Howson didn’t know in 2010 when she began leading the. ..

Parishes to mark Respect Life Month with pro-life opportunities for prayer, education

The following parish events throughout Respect Life Month offer various options for ...

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