Christmas giving that conveys God’s love for us

Many people know the short story by O. Henry titled “The Gift of the Magi.” The story is a classic piece of comic irony, but more importantly, it underscores the moral dimension of gift-giving.

A baby! Making room for the child at Christmas

Dec. 28 – that date will be engraved on my heart until I die. Advent had always been a special time of awe and anticipation, until the year 2007, when that holy season of preparation and lights became all too real.

Keeping your heart on Christ can lessen the strain of sadness, loss during holiday season

Mittened hands clutch cups of hot cocoa, Christmas carols are on every dial and the smell of gingerbread is in the air. But instead of excited happiness at every turn, you see only your difficulties and losses. 

Advent activities can bring families closer together

Crafts during Advent not only encourage service and faith learning, but family bonding, too.

Lay Catholics have their own part to play in the mission of the Church

A recent blog post on the vocation of the laity drew a flurry of comments from readers including one who was frustrated by the idea that a Catholic blogger was trying to make a vocation into something more than the reader believed it actually was – a career choice by …

Parents supportive of their sons’ priestly calling

When Dora M. Blanchett learned her son, Edward, was considering the priesthood, she asked, “Are you sure?” She and her husband, Donald “Eddie” Blanchett, then encouraged him to pursue his priestly vocation.

Women religious: a call to ‘live in caring for one another’

While today’s communities of religious men and women face the same decrease in numbers as many other aspects in Church life, their mission remains just as strong and vibrant as it was generations ago.

Called by Name an invitation to discern the priesthood

For Father Jeffrey Kegley, it was opening his heart to the Holy Spirit that guided him to discern the priesthood.

More on Prayer: No Forgiveness – No Healing

May 15th of this year was an eventful day.My husband, Rolf, was scheduled for bypass surgery.

An in-depth conversation on lay vocations

The Monitor would like to thank the four parish and ministry leaders who contributed to our IN FOCUS coverage on lay vocations – Dr. Zeni Fox; Sister Angela Ann Zukowski, MHSH, D. Min.; Msgr. Vincent Gartland, and Father Jeffrey E. Lee.  Some of their insight was included in the magazine’s …

Dr. Zeni Fox discusses how all faithful are called to serve Church

Dr. Zeni Fox, professor emeritus of Pastoral Theology at Immaculate Conception Seminary at Seton Hall University, says "the need for co-workers in the vineyard is evident."

Sister Angela Ann Zukowski discusses pursuing a lay vocation

Sister Angela Ann Zukowski, director of the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives at the University of Dayton, says Catholics are challenged in new ways today to speak about their (our) faith to others. 

Honest recognition of talents key to lay vocation, Father Lee says

“The most important aspect of assembling a pastoral team is the honest recognition of gifts and talents each person has and how that shapes the group,” Father Jeffrey E. Lee says in discussing the meaning and value of the lay vocation.

Msgr. Gartland reflects on value of lay vocation

Msgr. Vincent Gartland discusses the meaning and value of the lay vocation in a question-and-answer with The Monitor. 

Busy working mom promotes praying Rosary daily 'One Hail Mary at a Time'

She's raising seven children while managing a family, career and leading 400 people in the Rosary ... 

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