Love, service are marks of belonging to one family in Christ, Pope says

Meeting a group of pilgrims from the Italian diocese...

Pope calls for 'new sexual revolution' that respects life and marital love

The Pope said that serious education in the relational and procreative dimensions ...

Michigan third grader launches 'Kid's Bible in a Year with Teddy' podcast

When he grows up, third grader Teddy Howell...

O Life! O Death! O Mystery!

My friend volunteered in a program called NODA – No One Dies Alone.

Does a prenuptial agreement invalidate a marriage?

A friend is in a relationship where his fiancée won't sign a prenuptial agreement because ...

Pope asks mentally disabled, caretakers to be missionaries of God's love

Everyone has gifts and talents that can be a public witness...

The grace of accompaniment on the journey of Sacramental Marriage

Father Jim Grogan, pastor, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Moorestown, is working with the Diocese 

Limited access to medication is 'hidden euthanasia,' pope says

 The pope told the leaders of religious institutes working in health care ...

Vatican announces theme for World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Pope Francis has chosen "His mercy is from age to age," as the theme for the 2023 celebration...

Pope says using Tinder is 'normal,' talks inclusivity in Disney documentary

Wanting to meet potential partners through dating apps like Tinder is "normal," and the Church's...

Diocese’s efforts in step with Pope’s new priorities for marriage preparation

Throughout the years of his papacy, Pope Francis has consistently affirmed the Church's ...

Caring for creation as a family

As March came in like a lion and is, hopefully, going out like a lamb

Laws, lawsuits, adults needed to save kids from social media 'harm'

There is no shortage these days of proposed state and federal government legislation ...

Saying Rosary as family seen as one way to fulfill Lenten pillar of prayer

Tom Lyman hopes that especially during Lent families will ...

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