Facebook users offer warm welcome after Rite of Election

After the Rite of Election, the Trenton Monitor and Diocese of Trenton Facebook pages featured photo galleries, videos and more to highlight the occasion.

How grace changed my life

Our planet needs hope and joy. It needs what you have to give. Each of us must try to find a way to help others find encouragement and inspiration in this darkened world. When these insights hit me -- and I concluded that one person can make a difference -- …

Respecting the dead

Not only were those with whom I spoke on Capitol Hill in Washington dismayed, they were irate about the political wrangling over the appointment of Antonin Scalia's successor before the Supreme Court justice, who died Feb. 13, was laid to rest.

Understanding our place in history

Timelines have always fascinated me. I find events from the past interesting. My fascination is grounded in looking at timelines I can relate to in life. They're about more than history. They're about people.

Coming full circle with laughter

I am humbled and happy to say that this April marks 10 years of writing this column. The "Living Well" column began as a telephone call out of the blue to then-Catholic News Service editor David Gibson and it has turned into an absolute labor of love.

Learning to listen during the Year of Mercy

I was sitting in a reconciliation room once, confessing my usual garden variety list of sins when I was suddenly aware that the priest was gazing out the window.

Rising with Christ in a broken world

In my daily work at Catholic Relief Services, I routinely encounter suffering: the crisis of 60 million displaced people around the world, a number larger than those displaced in World War II; at least 50 million children not in school; human trafficking; slave labor; impending food shortage for a large …

Fondness for a former first lady

By Father John Catoir |Catholic News Service The March 6 passing of Nancy Reagan saddened many Americans. I know it affected me more than I expected. She had an endearing smile and a quiet dignity.

Putting the important things on your bucket list

The movie "The Bucket List" inspired the public to reflect on what each person wants to do before he or she dies. What's on your bucket list?  

Supporting strong marriages through parish ministry

The “Plan for Strengthening Marriage” launched in May 2015 at the diocesan Marriage Summit is all about building healthy, happy, lifelong Catholic marriages in the Diocese of Trenton.

Social networks offer outlet for reflections

On Feb. 27, more than 700 men of the Diocese of Trenton and beyond came together in St. Mary, Mother of God Parish, Middletown, for the annual Catholic Men for Jesus Christ Conference.

Resurrection is the reason for our hope and joy

We all have a story. For families, the story includes those of parents, children and the ones we love, living life intertwined, each person affected, for better or for worse, by the joys, sorrows, and choices of those whose stories touch ours.

When it comes to vocations, God is full of surprises

I'm pretty sure the teacher was a little concerned when I told her students I didn't like to read when I was a kid.

Moving forward with sweet memories of the past

The message came from someone out in the farm community where I grew up. There was going to be an auction, she said, and two of the stained glass windows from the little church I attended as a child were coming back up for sale after all these years.

The call for heightened prudence

I keep hearing many of my friends say that they are planning to move to Canada, given the present political malaise in our country. No doubt, many of us are bombarded this year with negative comments, attacks from one candidate to another, attacks among groups that support one candidate or …

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