No one should ever be forced to participate in an abortion against his or her will. Yet that's exactly what happened to Catherine "Cathy" Cenzon-DeCarlo, RN, whose nursing license and very livelihood were threatened if she didn't assist at an elective late-term abortion.

Sensitive to community, beyond ourselves

Some years ago I was challenged by a Bishop regarding an article I’d written. We were talking in his office and the tone eventually got a little testy:  “How can you write something like that?” he asked. 

Lessons for the Year of Mercy

As the Year of Mercy began, on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, I remembered the popular parable: the prodigal son. 

Don't lose steam while embarking on another year of resolutions

The family across the street from me runs a day care. So it's not unusual to spot toddlers who still have some trouble toddling.

Inspiration for the New Year

Another year is at our doorstep. When you begin to think about the new adventures you'll embark on during this New Year, try to make Jesus Christ the centerpiece. To accomplish this, I'd like to share some thoughts with you.

Faith in a work of fiction fit for the Year of Mercy

That Jesuit Father Jim Martin is one of the most popular and prolific Catholic writers around is no secret.

A visit of fellowship to Omaha's Islamic center

The first thing I noticed when I visited the Islamic Center of Omaha was that it resembled any place of worship in any American neighborhood.

Good decisions can be made at any age

"Are you on cannabis?" asked the sandy-haired, uncomfortable-looking teen.

The Meaning of Christmas - Connecting the Dots between the Crib and the Cross

The Gospel stories about the birth of Jesus are not a simple retelling of the events that took place then, at the stable in Bethlehem.

'Ex Corde Ecclesiae' after 25 years

I recently attended a conference to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council's declaration "Gravissimum Educationis" and the 25th anniversary of the apostolic constitution "Ex Corde Ecclesiae." These are two important documents governing the business of Catholic education.

Using kindness and mercy in a troubled world

It seems as if daily we witness violence, dissension and other social ailments. How might we keep this from overshadowing the Christmas season and the anticipation of a hopeful new year?

Approaching the Year of Mercy as an opportunity to grow

January can be a drag, a real letdown. The remaining Christmas cookies are stale crumbs and the tree, once so respected, has been ingloriously dragged out of the house to be recycled into mulch.

The special vocation of the religious brother

In the early 1960s, while the Second Vatican Council was still in session, a De La Salle Christian Brother remarked to me, "We're trying to figure out whether the brothers are the taillights of the clergy or the headlights of the laity."

Only in silence

The Belgian spiritual writer, Bieke Vandekerckhove, comes by her wisdom honestly. She didn’t learn what she shares from a book or even primarily from the good example of others. 

Embracing a resolution that will last

We're already a few weeks into the new year. If you're like me, you started with the best of intentions. But let's be honest: Before the first few days of 2016 were checked off the calendar, we had already reverted back into many bad habits.

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