The joy Pope Francis left behind

Pope Francis is the true vicar of Christ on earth today. During his first visit to the United States, he touched us deeply with his wisdom and love.

Getting rid of clutter to make room for things of the spirit

A member of my faith-sharing community devoted one year to buying nothing. Nothing, at least, that wasn't a necessity. She bought food, of course, and if her printer ran out of ink, she would deem that a necessary purchase. She paid her utility bills and her mortgage, but she added …

Courage - a simple word with a remarkable power

On the evening of the wake service for the mother of Benedictine Father Edwin Leahy, headmaster of St. Benedict’s Prep, Newark, I took Father Edwin’s hand to offer condolences. His first remark to me was, “How’s my man?”

Autumnal thoughts for this time of year

At this time of year, falling leaves and flaming foliage come to those parts of the country where climates favor cold snaps, shorter days and deciduous, or leaf-shedding, trees.

Working with others as God watches us

Nothing is more imperative today than effective, fruitful collaboration. We live in a time when we possess the power to destroy our ecological balance, as well as weapons to destroy humanity.

Accepting advice and dialogue

No texting, said the doctor. There was no way I was going to make it through a week without texting. "What?" I squeaked.

Evolving Church is part of tradition

During the 2015 World Synod of Bishops on the family at the Vatican, many of us were able to see that disagreements abound in the Church.

A dangerous, divisive word

Pope Francis' recent visit to the United States has touched each of us in so many ways through words, gestures and that indelible twinkle in his eyes whenever he is with people. There is much to unpack in our own journey of faith. I want to begin with the moniker …

The Communion of Saints

At any given time, most of the world believes that death isn’t final, that some form of immortality exists.

Commentary: A shepherd who doesn't leave any of his flock behind

Pope Francis words on behalf of the imprisoned speak loudly, but his actions speak even louder, writes Vincentian Father Martin McGeough, coordinator of jail and prison ministries for the Diocese of Trenton.

Success is an everyday thing

For most people, November means colored leaves, bonfires and entirely too many pumpkin spice lattes.

Making space and time for the present

By now, those of us who drive probably have had more than one encounter with a pedestrian whose eyes were glued to a cell phone screen instead of oncoming traffic. I've seen the gamut of inappropriate places and situations in which people use their phones, but one place I would …

Learning from Mom's humility

Some people are naturally funny and good storytellers. I wish I were one of them. I have to speak in public often, and at times I have no choice but to wing it. I'm not funny or especially quick-witted, though.

Advent once again

If we are receiving Christ regularly in the Eucharist, why do we need Advent? Isn't his coming into our life an endless Advent?

Gratitude is the wellspring for changing the world

With Thanksgiving around the corner, and Christmas not far behind, thoughts of gratitude, and giving, are close at heart.

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