Enjoying the magic of turning 18

It's the age when you're legally independent, the age when you can vote or join the military. In the United States, 18 is more than an age. It is a set of experiences.

On celebrating 55 years as a priest

In late May, I celebrated my 55th anniversary as a priest. Looking back on it, the day of my ordination was the happiest day of my life.

What is that graduation speech really saying?

"I never saw a hearse towing a U-Haul," remarked a friend of mine the other day. He was talking about the problem of materialism in contemporary life and the need to find ways of convincing the young that there is a whole lot more to life than making money and …

A lesson in coalition building via the death penalty

In late May, the Nebraska legislature abolished the death penalty. I'm still digesting those words: Nebraska has abolished the death penalty.

Growing old gratefully

It was my privilege to spend the last week of May leading a retreat for "senior priests" at St. Mary's Center for Continuing Formation in Baltimore.

The deepest secret inside wisdom

Everyone longs to know something that’s secret, to know something that others don’t know, but that you know, and the knowledge of which gives you some insight and advantage over others who are outside the inner-circle of that secret. It has always been so.

God will always be present to the graduates of 2015

The future is promising for the 1,588 high school students who compose the graduating Class of 2015.  

God will cover for you on your next vacation

For many people around the world, summer means vacations. When I grew up in Hong Kong, we did not have the practice of family vacations. Early in my career, our family went to wherever I had a summer conference. It was not quite a vacation as I always spent part …

Want to connect technology and ministry? You could make an app for that

As people spend more time online, many parishes might be looking for ways to connect with parishioners in places other than in the pews – or even in person.

Drinking with the saints, reclaiming Catholic merriment

The mention of booze generates a look of horror among many of the non-drinkers living and working alongside Michael P. Foley in Waco, Tex., where the Catholic dad teaches at a dry Baptist college. There’s a “skittishness,” he says.

Care for our home

After what seems like months of speculation, Pope Francis' long-anticipated encyclical on human ecology was released June 18 -- and it does not disappoint. Divided into six chapters, "Laudato Si' ("Praise Be to You"), on Care for Our Common Home," is a rich exploration of the interconnectedness that exists among …

The blessing of putting others first is the blessing of faith

The morning news disturbs me.

The Hero-Complex

Several years ago, the movie Argo won the Academy award as the best movie of the year. 

Timeliness can make the world run better

My nugget of wisdom for today's graduates isn't about bringing world peace or making loads of money. It isn't about "remembering these days because they are the best," and it isn't about "keep your friends close always.

Setting out on a moral life, even while driving

My wife and I drove across Pennsylvania yesterday after a weekend visit to my hometown. It's about a six-hour trip, so we did the usual things to pass the time. We talked about work and the children and called several of them. We prayed the rosary. We played the alphabet …

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