Rhode Island Catholic editor recalls his visit last December to Gaza border area of incursion

Last December Rick Snizek, executive editor of Rhode Island Catholic...

Cherry Trees Can Take 7 Years to Bear Fruit

My childhood summers often consisted of hot days with my siblings...

So much of evangelization depends on how we sow

A writer and I were going back and forth about how...

Five reasons why St. Francis is a model of synodality

Chesterton once wrote, “Newspapers not only deal with news...

Don't look now, but the next papal conclave has begun

In case you didn’t notice, the process of choosing the next Pope ...

This angel-botherer knows: If you call angels, they will come!

Parents are all too familiar with the sort of anxiety...

Question: Are 'little white lies' okay to tell?

However, as your question suggests, there are some nuances to consider.

What makes the St. Michael prayer so powerful?

Catholics of a certain age will remember reciting a set of prayers...

What Dorothy Day taught my mom about Eucharistic thanksgiving

People learning from example and Eucharistic thanksgiving ...

How to defeat the liturgy of the wandering mind

If you are anything like me, you ...

Observing Hispanic Heritage Month as Catholics

Every year, between September 15 and October 15...

Empty words: AI homilies might sound good, but …

With all the talk about ChatGPT, and Pope Francis' ongoing criticism of bad preaching...

Hidden saints: The legend of the lamed vavniks

One of the things I love about my home is ...

Questions: Sports fandom and sin, a little-known U.S. apparition

I suppose that depends on what is meant by “bad things.” It’s not a sin to go to ...

Good news! Jesus is Lord!

Just like the people in Jesus’ time, we have our own individual ...

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