A Lenten response to COVID-19

After visiting Philadelphia's spring flower show, my daughter and her 5-year-old were returning home on the commuter train.

Our Christian calling and social distancing

The advent of the novel coronavirus has set into motion so many unprecedented actions and effects that it's hard to keep track or make sense of them.

A crisis that may be an opportunity

Never let a serious crisis go to waste,” said former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. 

The power of persistence

In the Gospel of Luke, Christ tells the story of a man awakened in the middle of the night by his friend.

Father Koch: Water is the source of all life in this world and the next

Water is more than the origin of life, it is the principal make-up of life as we know it.

Lent as a time for embraces

Over time, certain passages of Scripture reach beyond the realm of the sacred to find a place in our culture’s lexicon of colloquial expressions.

Almsgiving: Lent’s overlooked discipline

Is there any question that almsgiving is the under-practiced, under-encouraged Lenten discipline when compared with prayer and fasting?

Lenten lessons in a munchkin meltdown

Lent is a good time for introspection, reflection and lessons that lead to change.

Inspiration is everywhere!

It was probably not more than a few hours after the last bus returned from the Diocesan Youth Conference ...

Integrity: To whom does it matter?

On Fat Tuesday, I gave a talk titled, "Business as a Force for Good." A gentleman from the back haltingly raised a question, "What would you do when all your competitors cheat?"

Father Koch: The Transfiguration stands as a juxtaposition of Salvation History

The disciples Peter, James and John accompany Jesus to the top of a Galilean mountain.

‘Joyful momentum’ can happen when two or more are gathered

There comes a moment when something clicks. A connection is made, and a gathering turns into a group, taking on a life of its own. 

Lent as an invitation to practicing solidarity

Lent is a most beautiful season for spiritual renewal. Lent is a time to reflect about our journey of faith ... 

Lent as a spiritual joy

Looking for an inspiring Lenten practice? Read Mark's Gospel in which Christ heals the blind man.

Father Koch: Temptation to sin often grows from the desire to sin itself

As we begin the Lenten Season, we are drawn to focus on our on-going need for conversion.

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