How to bring God back to school with us

By this time you have purchased all the ...

Should general absolution be a more regular practice?

For some background, "general absolution" is sacramental absolution a priest...

Faith formation and presence: Embracing the opportunities that each Sunday brings

It’s not every day that The New York Times runs a story...

Is spiritual communion the same as sacramental Communion?

For those who may be unfamiliar with the practice, a "spiritual communion"...

Wise Decisions

I never thought that I was going to do this.

Supernaturalism: The natural state of faith-infused living

The supernatural is real.

Christ on the river, Christ down the street

The best ticket in the country was free, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

What is the church's position on cremation?

What is the position or rule of the church concerning cremation?

Father Koch: Jesus is the Total Gift of the Father to Us

The same familiarity with Jesus that enticed ...

All That We Need

In Sunday’s Gospel we read that “the crowd” was looking for Jesus and His disciples.

What level of involvement in abortion carries the canonical penalty of excommunication?

Canon 1397, Paragraph 2 of the Code of Canon Law tells us that...

Remembering Catholic comedian Bob Newhart

About the same time Chicago-area ...

One Catholic physician's journey to becoming a Natural Family Planning advocate

Amid the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Natural Family Planning Awareness Week

Why is Confirmation a requirement to be a godparent?

I wanted my aunt and uncle to be godparents ...


In the Gospel reading this Sunday, Jesus’ disciples return from being sent...

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