In Local News as of Jan. 3, 2025

January 3, 2025 at 8:00 a.m.

The following parishes, schools and organizations in the Diocese of Trenton have announced these upcoming events:

Burlington County

Holy Eucharist Parish, Tabernacle, will hold a Food and Wine Fest Luau Jan. 25 from 7 to 10 p.m. Tickets are available for purchase on Dec. 7. Cost is $55 if purchased between Dec. 7-15 or $60 after Dec. 15. In the event of inclement weather, the event will take place Feb. 8.

Holy Eucharist St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Tabernacle, has a food pantry that operates by appointment only on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Persons in need of assistance and reside in Chatsworth, Vincentown, Shamong, Tabernacle or Southampton can call the hotline 609-268-0005 and leave a message with name and number and type of assistance needed. A Society member will return the call within 24 hours. All information remains confidential.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Council, Knights of Columbus, Maple Shade, will hold a Free Throw Championship for boys and girls ages 9 to 14 Jan. 11 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Our Lady of Perpetual Help School gym. There is no fee to participate and registration takes place at the door. Entrants may only participate in one local competition.

St. Ann Confirmation Class, Browns Mills, will hold a Pancake Breakfast Jan. 26 from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Tickets are $10 for adults if purchased in advance or $12 at the door; $6 for children 12 and under; no fee for children three and under.

St. Joan of Arc Parish, Marlton, will hold a blood drive Jan. 18 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Pedata Hall. To schedule an appointment, call 800-733-2767 or visit and enter Joan of Arc.

St. Katharine Drexel Parish Food Pantry, Burlington, provides food and personal hygiene products to residents of Burlington City and Burlington Township who meet income specifications and/or receive public assistance, unemployment benefits or disability benefits. In addition, registered parishioners experiencing food shortages are encouraged to contact the pantry for assistance. The pantry is open every Wednesday from 9:30 to 11 a.m., except for Thanksgiving week when the pantry is open on Monday. Currently, the pantry is not in need of volunteers but persons wishing to assist when needed, can leave a message by calling 609-386-3650.

St. Katharine Drexel Parish, Burlington, will hold “Lessons and Carols” Jan. 5 at 3 p.m. in St. Paul Church, Burlington.

St. Katharine Drexel Parish Consolation Ministry, Burlington, will gather Jan. 6 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the parish house. Open to anyone who has experienced the loss, the evening will include a presentation, “A New Day (Year) is Dawning” by Christine Caruso. For more information, call 609-502-1575.

St. Mary of the Lakes Parish, Medford, is holding a 16-week series to prepare high school students to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation as well as adults with a deeper understanding or the Catholic faith. Classes are held on Sundays from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Class dates are Nov. 25, Dec. 15, Jan. 5, 12, 19 and 26, Feb. 2, 16, 23, March 2, 9, 23, 30, April 6, 13, May 4 and 18. Presenters are parish clergy and staff. To attend, email [email protected] or sign up in the parish parking lot entrance.

Mercer County

Ewing Council and Hopewell Council, Knights of Columbus, will hold a Free Throw Championship for boys and girls ages 9 to 14 Jan. 11 from noon to 1 p.m. in the gym of St. James Parish, Pennington. In the event of inclement weather, the championship will be Feb. 1. The championship is sponsored annually with winners progressing through local, district and jurisdictional competitions. All boys and girls are eligible to participate and will compete in their respective age divisions. Participants must provide proof of age and written parental consent and may enter only one local competition.

Hamilton Council, Knights of Columbus, will hold its annual Free Throw Competition Jan. 11 in the gym of St. Gregory the Great Parish, Hamilton Square, from noon to 4 p.m. The competition is open to boys and girls between 9 and 14 years old as of Jan. 1, 2025. Registration forms will be available onsite and proof of age should be provided (photo of child’s birth certificate is needed).

Lawrence Council, Knights of Columbus, will hold a Red Cross Blood Drive Jan. 22 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The Lumen Christi Cohort Food Pantry is in need of non-perishable foods, hygiene items, cleaning supplies, paper and plastic bags and pantry staples. The parishes of Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony, St. Raphael-Holy Angels, both Hamilton, and St. Gregory the Great, Hamilton Square, comprise the cohort. The pantry is located on the campus of St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish and will operate Jan. 11 and Jan. 25 from 9 to 11 a.m.

Sacred Heart Church, Trenton, will serve as the site of The Capital Singers of Trenton’s 18th annual Winter Songs Concert: “Blow, Thou, O Winter Wind” Jan. 12 at 4 p.m. Performances will be led by Vinroy D. Brown, Jr., artistic director, and guest conductor Kendra Balmer, and accompanied by collaborative pianist Spenser R. Gallo. Featured selections include: “Illuminare,” Elaine Hagenberg; “Winter Wind,” Brandon Williams; “The Light We Cast,” Jessica Curry, and “Thixo Onothando,” Michael Barrett. For tickets and information, visit or call 609-434-2781.

St. Gregory the Great Parish, Hamilton Square, will host an Evening of Reflection, “What Did Jesus Say About Unity? That All May Be One,” Jan. 13 at 7 p.m. in the chapel. Presenter will be Sister of St. Joseph Marcy Springer, director of Francis House of Prayer, Allentown.  Refreshments will be served.

St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish, Hamilton, will host a 24-week Bible study on Matthew’s Gospel. The study will begin Sept. 25 and will be held for 24 Wednesdays from 7 to 8:15 p.m. in the All Purpose Room. Fee is $35 and registration is required. During the study, participants will explore how Jesus is challenging and empowering his people to new levels of holiness. To register, call the Faith Formation Office at 609-585-0542.

St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish Bereavement Support, Hamilton, meets on the first Tuesday of the month from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the Spiritual Center. The meetings provide an environment that allows individuals the freedom to share stories and faith experiences. Support groups provide safety, community, spiritual consolation, understanding and opportunities for growth beyond the pain and sorrow of grief. For more information, call 609-890-1011.

The Catholic Community of Hopewell Valley will present The Search, a video series hosted by Chris Stefanick, guiding viewers through seven episodes examining life and death, sorrow and happiness, and science and faith all pointing to one big conclusion: Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. Episode  topics are: What Do You Seek? Who Are You? Why a God? What’s Our Story? Who Is Jesus? Am I Saved? Why a Church? Sessions will be held in the following locations: St. Alphonsus, Hopewell, on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. (after the 10:30 a.m. Mass): Jan 19, Jan 26, Feb 2, Feb 9, Feb 16, Feb 23 and Mar 2; • St. James, Pennington in the  Matthew/Mark Room on Mondays at 7 p.m.: Jan 13, 20, 27, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24 • St. George, Titusville, on Wednesdays after 12:15pm Mass: Jan 15, 22, 29, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26.

Monmouth County

Bishop John C. Reiss Council, Knights of Columbus, will hold a Free-Throw Contest Jan. 26 from noon to 2 p.m. in the gym of St. Gabriel Parish, Marlboro. Registration begins at noon with the competition starting at 12:30. An awards’ ceremony will be at 1:30. Winners in all categories will advance to the District Competition in February. For information, call 570-370-6119 or email [email protected].

Court Fuigens Corona, Catholic Daughters of the Americas, celebrates its 70th anniversary this year. Upcoming meetings are planned for Jan. 8, Feb. 12 and March 12 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in the Chapel Lower Room of St. Mary Parish, Middletown. For more information, call 732-977-6789.

Francis House of Prayer, 84 Walnford Rd., Allentown, will host a Silent Directed Retreat Weekend will be held Jan. 10 starting at 6:30 p.m. to Jan. 12 at 1 p.m. Mass, spiritual direction and optional Centering Prayer periods are included. Donation is $200 with a $100 non-refundable deposit.  A seven-day Silent Directed Retreat will be held Jan. 19-26. Arrival time on Jan. 19 is 6:45 p.m. and departure is at 10 a.m. Jan. 26. Daily Mass, spiritual direction and optional Centering Prayer periods are included. Fee is $700 with a $100 non-refundable deposit with registration. A nine-part retreat, “First Belong to God: A Retreat with Pope Francis” will be held Jan. 22, 29, Feb. 12, 26, March 12, 26, April 9, 23 and May 7 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. or from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The writings of Pope Francis will be explored using “First Belong to God” by Austen Ivereigh. Fee is $150. To register, visit [email protected]; call 609-877-0509 or visit

Freehold Birthright, an organization that assists girls, women, families, during their pregnancy and after the baby is born, is in need of prolife volunteers. Training will be provided; volunteers who speak Spanish are encouraged. To volunteer, call 732-462-2888 during office hours Monday-Thursday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. or email [email protected]. The agency is also in need of baby clothes which are gently used, stain free, seasonal appropriate, sizes newborn to 18 months. The agency is located at 41 E. Main St.

Freehold Council, Knights of Columbus, is collecting used and unused eyeglasses for the Lions Club. Eyeglasses may be deposited in the drop-off baskets located at the main entrances of St. Rose of Lima Church and Chapel, Freehold.

Holy Family Parish, Hazlet, will offer “Five First Saturday in Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Oct. 5, Nov. 2, Dec. 7, Jan. 4 and Feb. 2. All are invited to join in making this devotion to the Blessed Mother by partaking in making the five first Saturdays in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Participants will have the opportunity to make a good Confession, attend 8 a.m. Mass, receive Holy Communion and pray five decades of the Holy Rosary. For questions, call 908-461-5980. 

Holy Family Parish, Hazlet, will hold an eight-week Bible Study on the Book of Romans, “The Gospel of Salvation.” Evening sessions will begin on Jan. 20 and held on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. in Memorial Hall. Morning sessions will begin on Jan. 22 and held on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. To register and reserve a workbook, call 732-673-1893.

Holy Innocents Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Neptune, is in need of non-perishable items, paper products, personal hygiene products, and cleaning supplies. The pantry is open after the 4 p.m. Mass on Saturday and after the 10 a.m. and noon Masses. The conference provides assistance to the needy of the Neptune area with rent, utilities and other basic necessities. Persons in need of assistance can call 732 922-4242, ext. 124.

Holy Innocents Parish, Neptune, will hold a 10-week Scripture Study, “What We Believe – The Beauty of the Catholic Faith,” Dec. 4, 18, Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26 and March 5. Cost is $29.95 for workbook, book and “What We Believe” chart. Register by sending a registration form (available here) along with payment to the parish rectory or during the registration weekend Nov. 23-24. Make checks payable to Holy Innocents Church and send to 3455 West Bangs Ave., Neptune, N.J. 07755. To request financial assistance or for questions, email [email protected].

Holy Innocents Parish, Neptune, will hold a Traditional Latin Mass Jan. 19 at 3 p.m. in the church.

Mary, Queen of the Knights Council, Knights of Columbus, Neptune, is sponsoring a Youth Free-Throw Championship Jan. 25 in Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, Asbury Park. All boys and girls ages nine to 14 are invited to participate. Check-in time is 8 a.m. the contest is sponsored annually with winners progressing through local, district and jurisdictional competitions. International champions are announced by the Knights of Columbus international headquarters in New Haven, Conn., based on scores from the jurisdiction-level competitions. All contestants on the local level are recognized for their participation. Participants are required to furnish age, written parental consent and an entry form. Details are available at

Mercy Center, Asbury Park, is in need of the following items: diapers sizes three and higher; baby wipes; coffee/tea; mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup; deodorant; toothpaste and toothbrushes; soap. Containers are located at the entrances to St. Mark Church, Sea Girt.

Mother of Mercy Parish, Asbury Park, will hold a women’s gathering Jan. 4 from 10 a.m. to noon in the parish chapel and conference room. The program will continue the theme “Martha’s Teachable Heart.” The session offers time for reflection, prayer and nourishment of body and soul. Simple refreshments will be served and a free-will offering will be collected. Reservations are recommended. Text or call 201-259-4294.

Nativity Parish, Fair Haven, will host a concert featuring The Notre Dame Chorale Jan. 8 at 7 p.m. in the church. The concert will feature a selection of classical pieces and Christmas music including works from Handel’s Messiah. There is no admission fee but a freewill offering will be collected.

Prince of Peace Council, Knights of Columbus, will hold a Christmas Tree Program in St. Thomas More Church, Manalapan. Fee to dedicate a tree in memory of a loved one or to wish others a Merry Christmas is $175 per tree. Proceeds will benefit the parish and The Make a Wish Foundation. Applications are available in the parish bulletin. Payments by cash, check or Venmo are accepted. Make checks payable to Knights of Columbus #5903. For more information, call 646-499-1449.

Rev.  Joseph J. Donnelly Council, Knights of Columbus, will hold an Italian Night and Gift Auction Jan. 25 in Our Lady of Perpetual Help gym, Highlands. Check-in time is 5:30 p.m. Dinner and ticket package is $25 and dinner-only package is $20. Dinner is $15 for children ages 12 and under. To purchase tickets, visit

St. Anselm Parish, Tinton Falls, will hold a blood drive Jan.7 from 12:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the  learning center. Appointments are recommended but walk-ins will be accepted. To sign up, visit and use code 70459. Donors should bring nybc donor card or a photo ID. Donors 76 years and over need a one-time doctor’s note unless one is already on file. For information about eligibility, call 800-688-0900  or visit

St. Benedict Food Pantry, Holmdel, is open Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 5 to 6 p.m.; Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m., and Saturdays by appointment. is in need of donations of the following items: diapers (all sizes especially 5 and 6), baby food (stages 2/3), baby wipes, children’s cereal and snacks, coffee and tea, juice for adults and children, soup, bar soap, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes and mouthwash, laundry detergent, dish detergent, paper products – toilet tissue, paper towels.

St. Catharine-St. Margaret Parish, Spring Lake, will offer “Walking With Purpose” Bible study for women. Sessions will be held on Tuesday evenings starting at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 7 and Wednesday afternoons starting at 12:15 p.m. on Jan. 8. For more information, visit

St. Clement Parish, Matawan, will host a Valentine’s Day collection for troops serving in the armed forces. Deadline for donations is Jan. 19. Items requested include: beef or chicken jerky; Crunch & Munch; nuts; cookies; Life Savers; gum; kettle corn/popcorn; licorice; dried fruit snack; Rice Krispie Treats; sunflower seeds; protein bars; pumpkin seeds; trail mix; pre-workout protein powder; Gas X; cough, cold, flu relief remedies; Imodium; Dayquil/ Nyquil – pills only; Lactaid pills; Tylenol Cold Allergy Relief; aspirin, Motrin, Zantac; Pepcid; suntan lotion (no spray); Batteries – AAA, C, D; moisturizer; socks; Gold Bond powder & cream; razors; foot powder; Gatorade - drink packets; bug wipes; Powerade - drink packets; Chapstick; Q-tips; feminine hygiene products; fungus cream. Monetary donations towards shipping accepted. Make checks payable to: The Church of the Nativity on the memo line: Eagles Up! Tax receipt given upon request.

St. Denis Bereavement Support Group, Manasquan, meets on Thursdays. Morning sessions are from 10 to 11 a.m. in the parish office conference room. For questions or to attend, call 732-223-0287 or email [email protected].

St. Denis Parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Conference Food Pantry, Manasquan, is accepting donations of the following items: toilet tissue, detergent, crackers, cookies, cereal, juice, small boxes of sugar, tea and ketchup. The pantry is located in Msgr. O’Connor Hall. The pantry operates on Tuesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. Cash and check donations are welcome and can be left in the envelopes with the donated food. Indicate “Food Pantry” in the memo line of the checks. For questions or special food needs, call 732-223-1383.

St. Gabriel Parish, Marlboro, prays a Patriotic Rosary every Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the church hall. Prayers are offered for the Executive (president), Judicial (Supreme Court) and Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) branches. Prayers are also offered for active U.S. Military as well as veterans and emergency personnel.

St. Gabriel Parish, St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Marlboro, is collecting the following items: laundry detergent, dish detergent, paper towels, toilet paper, toothpaste, canned chicken, spaghetti sauce, canned vegetables, macaroni & cheese (box mixes), mashed potato flakes, peanut butter, rice, grape jelly, spaghetti /pasta, cereals that are kid friendly. Persons who are in need in the Marlboro/Morganville area or are members of the parish, call the conference hotline at 732-946-4487, ext. 240 and leave a message for the intake coordinator. All calls are kept confidential.

St. Joseph Parish Reader’s Club, Millstone Township, will meet Jan. 22. The next book the club will read is “Remarkably Bright Creatures” by Shelby Van Pelt. It was a number one best seller on the New York Times, USA today, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times. For more information about the Reader’s Club or to register for the Jan. 22 meeting, email [email protected].

St. Mary Parish, Middletown, will hold a Holy Hour Jan. 20 from 7 to 8 p.m. and will include Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet and veneration of a relic of St. Faustina.

St. Rose Parish Legion of Mary, Belmar, will host a Movie Night Presentation showing The Chosen Jan. 10 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the Pasko Conference Room. The last episodes – Parts 7 & 8 from Season 1 -- will be shown. Discussions will be held and pizza and snacks will be available. For more information, email [email protected] or call 908-309-2807.

St. Rose Parish Thomas Merton Discussion Group, Belmar, meets online on the first Tuesday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. The group is currently reflecting on The Road to Joy: Letters to New and Old Friends, Volume 2, of Merton’s published correspondence. To join the group email [email protected] or call 732-681-6238.

St. William the Abbot Parish, Howell, accepts donations of used eye glasses to benefit the Joe Mazzarella Eye Glass Donation Program. Donations may be placed in the receptacle located in the parish hall. All eye glasses are donated to the Eyes for Needy Program.

St. Teresa of Calcutta Book Club, Bradley Beach, will meet Jan. 9 at 6:30 p.m. in O’Hara Hall of Ascension Church, Bradley Beach. Discussion will focus on the book, “The Homecoming.”

Trenton Diocesan Federation and the Father McGivney Council, Knights of Columbus are participating in the “Send a Hero Home for the Holidays.” Contributions are being collected to transport an enlisted member of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard Home. Make checks payable to KOC Council 6392 and mail to P.O. Box 322, Lincroft, N.J. 07738.

Ocean County

Epiphany Parish’s Bereavement Support Group offers peer support for those grieving the death of a loved one. Six sessions are offered during which information is provided and mutual sharing and peer support is presented in a spiritual, caring and confidential setting. For more information, call 732-458-0220.

Ken’s Kitchen is a free social lunch program sponsored by St. Mary Parish, Barnegat, which welcomes people of all faiths from Barnegat and surrounding communities. Ken’s Kitchen operates each Thursday from 9 to 11:30 a.m. in the parish center for coffee, followed by informative speakers and entertainment. Soup and lunch will be served from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Meals are available for take-out after 11:30. Free bread and baked goods are distributed as well. Parish nurses are available twice per month for blood pressure screenings. For more information, call 609-618-9381.

St. Barnabas Parish Food Pantry, Bayville, is in need of the following donations: crackers, pancake mix, pancake syrup, canned potatoes, baked beans, toiletries, bars of soap, tea, coffee, juice, toilet tissue. Persons in need of food should call 732-269-2208, ext. 107.

St. Francis of Assisi Food Pantry, Long Beach Island, is open on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to noon. The pantry provides a wide range of food items, personal hygiene products and cleaning supplies. Specialty options such as dairy free, gluten free and vegan products, along with baby formula and diapers are available. Spanish speaking staff are available. Items needed include: canned goods: chicken, tuna, soup, beef stew, chili, SpaghettiOs, pork & beans, black beans, kidney beans, corn & peas. Needed non-perishable items: cereal, oatmeal, pasta & jarred pasta sauce, pancake mix & syrup, snacks & instant mashed potatoes. Needed hygiene products: laundry detergent, bar soap/body wash, shampoo, feminine hygiene products, toilet paper. Non-perishable food donations for the pantry can be dropped off in the designated bins at the Community Center entrance. Online monetary donations may be made through PayPal: To stay updated on the pantry’s services, text “PANTRY” to 833-511-0760.

St. John Parish, Food Pantry, Lakehurst, needs the following items: sugar-free jams, jellies, pancake syrup as well as regular canned fruit, canned coffee, tea bags, pasta sauce, pasta, hearty canned soups, canned white tuna and chicken, cereal, oatmeal. Food can be dropped in the blue bin in the church hall anytime the church is open. Foods that are frozen or need refrigeration should not be placed in the bin; perishables may be brought to the pantry Monday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m.

St. John Parish Respect Life Committee, Lakehurst, is hosting a drive to benefit Birthright and Open Door pregnancy centers. Items needed include: powder, lotion, shampoo, baby soap, diaper rash cream, Vaseline, wipes, baby towels, wash cloths and size large diapers. Items may be brought to the carriage container in the church hall.

St. John Parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Lakehurst, needs the following items for its food pantry: coffee (canned), tea bags, pasta sauce, boxed pasta (except elbow macaroni and spaghetti), hearty soups, canned white tuna and chicken, cereal for children and oatmeal, canned ravioli. Sugar free items such as jams, jellies, pancake syrup are also needed. food can be drooped in the blue bin in the church hall anytime the church is open. Frozen or refrigerated food should be brought to the pantry on Monday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m.

St.  John Parish Altar-Rosary Society, Lakehurst, will hold a Valentine’s Sock Hop Feb. 14 from 6 to 10 p.m. in the parish hall. Fee is $25 per person and includes subs, soda, water, coffee and tea. For tickets, make checks payable to St. John’s and in memo line indicate Rosary Sock Hop. Checks may be dropped in the collection basket at Mass. For questions, call 917-922-2565 or 732-618-6481.

St. Joseph Food Pantry, Toms River, will hold a food collection Jan. 4-5. A van will be parked outside the church to collect donations. Needed items include: canned ravioli, tuna, soup, beans, chili, hash, stew, fruit, vegetables;  coffee; tea bags; boxes of hot chocolate; jelly; laundry detergent; two-pound bags of rice; canned/boxed potatoes; pasta and pasta sauce; macaroni and cheese; cake mix; hot and cold cereal; large bottles of juice. Donations may also be brought to the food pantry on Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

St. Luke Parish St. Vincent dePaul Conference, Toms River, has a food pantry that distributes food to those in need Monday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Those in need of food should bring current identification and proof of residence. Persons wishing to donate food for the food pantry may place items in the wooden box in the church narthex. Needed food donations include coffee, tea, canned fruit, laundry detergent, toothpaste, paper towels and toilet tissue.

St. Mary Parish, Barnegat, will hold a Mass for families of loved ones who died by suicide Jan. 27 at 7 p.m. in the Barnegat church. Persons who have been affected by suicide and those who support them are encouraged to attend.

St. Mary Parish, Barnegat, will host its First Annual “Polar Plunk” parish fundraiser Jan. 25 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the parish center. Food, balloons, fun, games and contestants taking turns being dunked in the dunk tank will be featured.

St. Mary Parish, Barnegat, hosts Scripture sharing sessions every Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. in the rectory. The Readings for the upcoming Sunday are reviewed and discussed. For more information, call 609-339-8969. The parish hosts Ken’s Kitchen, a free social lunch program every Thursday from 9 to 11:30 a.m. in the parish center. Coffee, speakers and entertainment are provided and soup and lunch is served from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Meals are available for take-out after 11:30 a.m.; free bread and baked goods are distributed. Parish nurses are available twice a month for blood pressure screenings. For more information, call 609-618-9381.

St. Pio of Pietrelcina Parish, Lavallette, will hold a 24-part Bible study on Matthew’s Gospel. Afternoon sessions beginning Sept. 22 and will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Morning sessions will begin Sept. 25 and will be held from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. Fee is $25 and includes workbook and online access. Make checks payable to Sacred Heart Church. For more information, call 732-903-7551 or email [email protected].

St. Pius X Journey Through Grief Bereavement Support Group, Forked River, will meet for eight consecutive Tuesday afternoons at 2 p.m. in the meeting room. The first session begins Jan. 7. The group is led by certified bereavement facilitators. Registration forms, brochures and information sheets are available in the church narthex and office. Mail completed forms to Paula Little at 24 Cedar St., Barnegat, N.J. 08005. A facilitator will contact the inquirer.

St. Theresa Food Pantry, Little Egg Harbor, is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. Needed items for October include: Spaghettios and Beefaroni; Hamburger Helper-type packaged products, rice; side dishes; cake mix and frosting; children’s cereal; small jars of mayonnaise; ketchup; mustard; peanut butter; pancake syrup; pancake mix; apple juice; toilet tissue; pasta and canned soup. For questions, call 609-296-1345.

St. Theresa Parish, Little Egg Harbor, has added a second day and time for praying the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows and Divine Mercy Chaplet. In addition to Tuesdays, the prayers will be held on Fridays at 3 p.m.

St. Theresa Parish Adult Faith Formation Team, Little Egg Harbor, will host an eight-week study on the Gospel of Luke starting Jan. 9. Sessions will be held on Thursdays in the morning at 9:30 a.m. and in the evening at 7 p.m. Produced by Ascension Press, The Gospel of Luke will consist of eight sessions with a 30-minute DVD presentation followed by table discussions. Fee is $32 which includes workbook and one-year access to the online DVDs. Registration will be held the weekend of Jan. 4-5. For more information, call 304-268-4816.

All parishes and schools are welcome to submit their events to
[email protected].

Related Stories

The following parishes, schools and organizations in the Diocese of Trenton have announced these upcoming events:

Burlington County

Holy Eucharist Parish, Tabernacle, will hold a Food and Wine Fest Luau Jan. 25 from 7 to 10 p.m. Tickets are available for purchase on Dec. 7. Cost is $55 if purchased between Dec. 7-15 or $60 after Dec. 15. In the event of inclement weather, the event will take place Feb. 8.

Holy Eucharist St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Tabernacle, has a food pantry that operates by appointment only on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Persons in need of assistance and reside in Chatsworth, Vincentown, Shamong, Tabernacle or Southampton can call the hotline 609-268-0005 and leave a message with name and number and type of assistance needed. A Society member will return the call within 24 hours. All information remains confidential.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Council, Knights of Columbus, Maple Shade, will hold a Free Throw Championship for boys and girls ages 9 to 14 Jan. 11 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Our Lady of Perpetual Help School gym. There is no fee to participate and registration takes place at the door. Entrants may only participate in one local competition.

St. Ann Confirmation Class, Browns Mills, will hold a Pancake Breakfast Jan. 26 from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Tickets are $10 for adults if purchased in advance or $12 at the door; $6 for children 12 and under; no fee for children three and under.

St. Joan of Arc Parish, Marlton, will hold a blood drive Jan. 18 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Pedata Hall. To schedule an appointment, call 800-733-2767 or visit and enter Joan of Arc.

St. Katharine Drexel Parish Food Pantry, Burlington, provides food and personal hygiene products to residents of Burlington City and Burlington Township who meet income specifications and/or receive public assistance, unemployment benefits or disability benefits. In addition, registered parishioners experiencing food shortages are encouraged to contact the pantry for assistance. The pantry is open every Wednesday from 9:30 to 11 a.m., except for Thanksgiving week when the pantry is open on Monday. Currently, the pantry is not in need of volunteers but persons wishing to assist when needed, can leave a message by calling 609-386-3650.

St. Katharine Drexel Parish, Burlington, will hold “Lessons and Carols” Jan. 5 at 3 p.m. in St. Paul Church, Burlington.

St. Katharine Drexel Parish Consolation Ministry, Burlington, will gather Jan. 6 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the parish house. Open to anyone who has experienced the loss, the evening will include a presentation, “A New Day (Year) is Dawning” by Christine Caruso. For more information, call 609-502-1575.

St. Mary of the Lakes Parish, Medford, is holding a 16-week series to prepare high school students to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation as well as adults with a deeper understanding or the Catholic faith. Classes are held on Sundays from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Class dates are Nov. 25, Dec. 15, Jan. 5, 12, 19 and 26, Feb. 2, 16, 23, March 2, 9, 23, 30, April 6, 13, May 4 and 18. Presenters are parish clergy and staff. To attend, email [email protected] or sign up in the parish parking lot entrance.

Mercer County

Ewing Council and Hopewell Council, Knights of Columbus, will hold a Free Throw Championship for boys and girls ages 9 to 14 Jan. 11 from noon to 1 p.m. in the gym of St. James Parish, Pennington. In the event of inclement weather, the championship will be Feb. 1. The championship is sponsored annually with winners progressing through local, district and jurisdictional competitions. All boys and girls are eligible to participate and will compete in their respective age divisions. Participants must provide proof of age and written parental consent and may enter only one local competition.

Hamilton Council, Knights of Columbus, will hold its annual Free Throw Competition Jan. 11 in the gym of St. Gregory the Great Parish, Hamilton Square, from noon to 4 p.m. The competition is open to boys and girls between 9 and 14 years old as of Jan. 1, 2025. Registration forms will be available onsite and proof of age should be provided (photo of child’s birth certificate is needed).

Lawrence Council, Knights of Columbus, will hold a Red Cross Blood Drive Jan. 22 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The Lumen Christi Cohort Food Pantry is in need of non-perishable foods, hygiene items, cleaning supplies, paper and plastic bags and pantry staples. The parishes of Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony, St. Raphael-Holy Angels, both Hamilton, and St. Gregory the Great, Hamilton Square, comprise the cohort. The pantry is located on the campus of St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish and will operate Jan. 11 and Jan. 25 from 9 to 11 a.m.

Sacred Heart Church, Trenton, will serve as the site of The Capital Singers of Trenton’s 18th annual Winter Songs Concert: “Blow, Thou, O Winter Wind” Jan. 12 at 4 p.m. Performances will be led by Vinroy D. Brown, Jr., artistic director, and guest conductor Kendra Balmer, and accompanied by collaborative pianist Spenser R. Gallo. Featured selections include: “Illuminare,” Elaine Hagenberg; “Winter Wind,” Brandon Williams; “The Light We Cast,” Jessica Curry, and “Thixo Onothando,” Michael Barrett. For tickets and information, visit or call 609-434-2781.

St. Gregory the Great Parish, Hamilton Square, will host an Evening of Reflection, “What Did Jesus Say About Unity? That All May Be One,” Jan. 13 at 7 p.m. in the chapel. Presenter will be Sister of St. Joseph Marcy Springer, director of Francis House of Prayer, Allentown.  Refreshments will be served.

St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish, Hamilton, will host a 24-week Bible study on Matthew’s Gospel. The study will begin Sept. 25 and will be held for 24 Wednesdays from 7 to 8:15 p.m. in the All Purpose Room. Fee is $35 and registration is required. During the study, participants will explore how Jesus is challenging and empowering his people to new levels of holiness. To register, call the Faith Formation Office at 609-585-0542.

St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish Bereavement Support, Hamilton, meets on the first Tuesday of the month from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the Spiritual Center. The meetings provide an environment that allows individuals the freedom to share stories and faith experiences. Support groups provide safety, community, spiritual consolation, understanding and opportunities for growth beyond the pain and sorrow of grief. For more information, call 609-890-1011.

The Catholic Community of Hopewell Valley will present The Search, a video series hosted by Chris Stefanick, guiding viewers through seven episodes examining life and death, sorrow and happiness, and science and faith all pointing to one big conclusion: Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. Episode  topics are: What Do You Seek? Who Are You? Why a God? What’s Our Story? Who Is Jesus? Am I Saved? Why a Church? Sessions will be held in the following locations: St. Alphonsus, Hopewell, on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. (after the 10:30 a.m. Mass): Jan 19, Jan 26, Feb 2, Feb 9, Feb 16, Feb 23 and Mar 2; • St. James, Pennington in the  Matthew/Mark Room on Mondays at 7 p.m.: Jan 13, 20, 27, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24 • St. George, Titusville, on Wednesdays after 12:15pm Mass: Jan 15, 22, 29, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26.

Monmouth County

Bishop John C. Reiss Council, Knights of Columbus, will hold a Free-Throw Contest Jan. 26 from noon to 2 p.m. in the gym of St. Gabriel Parish, Marlboro. Registration begins at noon with the competition starting at 12:30. An awards’ ceremony will be at 1:30. Winners in all categories will advance to the District Competition in February. For information, call 570-370-6119 or email [email protected].

Court Fuigens Corona, Catholic Daughters of the Americas, celebrates its 70th anniversary this year. Upcoming meetings are planned for Jan. 8, Feb. 12 and March 12 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in the Chapel Lower Room of St. Mary Parish, Middletown. For more information, call 732-977-6789.

Francis House of Prayer, 84 Walnford Rd., Allentown, will host a Silent Directed Retreat Weekend will be held Jan. 10 starting at 6:30 p.m. to Jan. 12 at 1 p.m. Mass, spiritual direction and optional Centering Prayer periods are included. Donation is $200 with a $100 non-refundable deposit.  A seven-day Silent Directed Retreat will be held Jan. 19-26. Arrival time on Jan. 19 is 6:45 p.m. and departure is at 10 a.m. Jan. 26. Daily Mass, spiritual direction and optional Centering Prayer periods are included. Fee is $700 with a $100 non-refundable deposit with registration. A nine-part retreat, “First Belong to God: A Retreat with Pope Francis” will be held Jan. 22, 29, Feb. 12, 26, March 12, 26, April 9, 23 and May 7 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. or from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The writings of Pope Francis will be explored using “First Belong to God” by Austen Ivereigh. Fee is $150. To register, visit [email protected]; call 609-877-0509 or visit

Freehold Birthright, an organization that assists girls, women, families, during their pregnancy and after the baby is born, is in need of prolife volunteers. Training will be provided; volunteers who speak Spanish are encouraged. To volunteer, call 732-462-2888 during office hours Monday-Thursday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. or email [email protected]. The agency is also in need of baby clothes which are gently used, stain free, seasonal appropriate, sizes newborn to 18 months. The agency is located at 41 E. Main St.

Freehold Council, Knights of Columbus, is collecting used and unused eyeglasses for the Lions Club. Eyeglasses may be deposited in the drop-off baskets located at the main entrances of St. Rose of Lima Church and Chapel, Freehold.

Holy Family Parish, Hazlet, will offer “Five First Saturday in Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Oct. 5, Nov. 2, Dec. 7, Jan. 4 and Feb. 2. All are invited to join in making this devotion to the Blessed Mother by partaking in making the five first Saturdays in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Participants will have the opportunity to make a good Confession, attend 8 a.m. Mass, receive Holy Communion and pray five decades of the Holy Rosary. For questions, call 908-461-5980. 

Holy Family Parish, Hazlet, will hold an eight-week Bible Study on the Book of Romans, “The Gospel of Salvation.” Evening sessions will begin on Jan. 20 and held on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. in Memorial Hall. Morning sessions will begin on Jan. 22 and held on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. To register and reserve a workbook, call 732-673-1893.

Holy Innocents Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Neptune, is in need of non-perishable items, paper products, personal hygiene products, and cleaning supplies. The pantry is open after the 4 p.m. Mass on Saturday and after the 10 a.m. and noon Masses. The conference provides assistance to the needy of the Neptune area with rent, utilities and other basic necessities. Persons in need of assistance can call 732 922-4242, ext. 124.

Holy Innocents Parish, Neptune, will hold a 10-week Scripture Study, “What We Believe – The Beauty of the Catholic Faith,” Dec. 4, 18, Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26 and March 5. Cost is $29.95 for workbook, book and “What We Believe” chart. Register by sending a registration form (available here) along with payment to the parish rectory or during the registration weekend Nov. 23-24. Make checks payable to Holy Innocents Church and send to 3455 West Bangs Ave., Neptune, N.J. 07755. To request financial assistance or for questions, email [email protected].

Holy Innocents Parish, Neptune, will hold a Traditional Latin Mass Jan. 19 at 3 p.m. in the church.

Mary, Queen of the Knights Council, Knights of Columbus, Neptune, is sponsoring a Youth Free-Throw Championship Jan. 25 in Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, Asbury Park. All boys and girls ages nine to 14 are invited to participate. Check-in time is 8 a.m. the contest is sponsored annually with winners progressing through local, district and jurisdictional competitions. International champions are announced by the Knights of Columbus international headquarters in New Haven, Conn., based on scores from the jurisdiction-level competitions. All contestants on the local level are recognized for their participation. Participants are required to furnish age, written parental consent and an entry form. Details are available at

Mercy Center, Asbury Park, is in need of the following items: diapers sizes three and higher; baby wipes; coffee/tea; mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup; deodorant; toothpaste and toothbrushes; soap. Containers are located at the entrances to St. Mark Church, Sea Girt.

Mother of Mercy Parish, Asbury Park, will hold a women’s gathering Jan. 4 from 10 a.m. to noon in the parish chapel and conference room. The program will continue the theme “Martha’s Teachable Heart.” The session offers time for reflection, prayer and nourishment of body and soul. Simple refreshments will be served and a free-will offering will be collected. Reservations are recommended. Text or call 201-259-4294.

Nativity Parish, Fair Haven, will host a concert featuring The Notre Dame Chorale Jan. 8 at 7 p.m. in the church. The concert will feature a selection of classical pieces and Christmas music including works from Handel’s Messiah. There is no admission fee but a freewill offering will be collected.

Prince of Peace Council, Knights of Columbus, will hold a Christmas Tree Program in St. Thomas More Church, Manalapan. Fee to dedicate a tree in memory of a loved one or to wish others a Merry Christmas is $175 per tree. Proceeds will benefit the parish and The Make a Wish Foundation. Applications are available in the parish bulletin. Payments by cash, check or Venmo are accepted. Make checks payable to Knights of Columbus #5903. For more information, call 646-499-1449.

Rev.  Joseph J. Donnelly Council, Knights of Columbus, will hold an Italian Night and Gift Auction Jan. 25 in Our Lady of Perpetual Help gym, Highlands. Check-in time is 5:30 p.m. Dinner and ticket package is $25 and dinner-only package is $20. Dinner is $15 for children ages 12 and under. To purchase tickets, visit

St. Anselm Parish, Tinton Falls, will hold a blood drive Jan.7 from 12:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the  learning center. Appointments are recommended but walk-ins will be accepted. To sign up, visit and use code 70459. Donors should bring nybc donor card or a photo ID. Donors 76 years and over need a one-time doctor’s note unless one is already on file. For information about eligibility, call 800-688-0900  or visit

St. Benedict Food Pantry, Holmdel, is open Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 5 to 6 p.m.; Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m., and Saturdays by appointment. is in need of donations of the following items: diapers (all sizes especially 5 and 6), baby food (stages 2/3), baby wipes, children’s cereal and snacks, coffee and tea, juice for adults and children, soup, bar soap, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes and mouthwash, laundry detergent, dish detergent, paper products – toilet tissue, paper towels.

St. Catharine-St. Margaret Parish, Spring Lake, will offer “Walking With Purpose” Bible study for women. Sessions will be held on Tuesday evenings starting at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 7 and Wednesday afternoons starting at 12:15 p.m. on Jan. 8. For more information, visit

St. Clement Parish, Matawan, will host a Valentine’s Day collection for troops serving in the armed forces. Deadline for donations is Jan. 19. Items requested include: beef or chicken jerky; Crunch & Munch; nuts; cookies; Life Savers; gum; kettle corn/popcorn; licorice; dried fruit snack; Rice Krispie Treats; sunflower seeds; protein bars; pumpkin seeds; trail mix; pre-workout protein powder; Gas X; cough, cold, flu relief remedies; Imodium; Dayquil/ Nyquil – pills only; Lactaid pills; Tylenol Cold Allergy Relief; aspirin, Motrin, Zantac; Pepcid; suntan lotion (no spray); Batteries – AAA, C, D; moisturizer; socks; Gold Bond powder & cream; razors; foot powder; Gatorade - drink packets; bug wipes; Powerade - drink packets; Chapstick; Q-tips; feminine hygiene products; fungus cream. Monetary donations towards shipping accepted. Make checks payable to: The Church of the Nativity on the memo line: Eagles Up! Tax receipt given upon request.

St. Denis Bereavement Support Group, Manasquan, meets on Thursdays. Morning sessions are from 10 to 11 a.m. in the parish office conference room. For questions or to attend, call 732-223-0287 or email [email protected].

St. Denis Parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Conference Food Pantry, Manasquan, is accepting donations of the following items: toilet tissue, detergent, crackers, cookies, cereal, juice, small boxes of sugar, tea and ketchup. The pantry is located in Msgr. O’Connor Hall. The pantry operates on Tuesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. Cash and check donations are welcome and can be left in the envelopes with the donated food. Indicate “Food Pantry” in the memo line of the checks. For questions or special food needs, call 732-223-1383.

St. Gabriel Parish, Marlboro, prays a Patriotic Rosary every Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the church hall. Prayers are offered for the Executive (president), Judicial (Supreme Court) and Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) branches. Prayers are also offered for active U.S. Military as well as veterans and emergency personnel.

St. Gabriel Parish, St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Marlboro, is collecting the following items: laundry detergent, dish detergent, paper towels, toilet paper, toothpaste, canned chicken, spaghetti sauce, canned vegetables, macaroni & cheese (box mixes), mashed potato flakes, peanut butter, rice, grape jelly, spaghetti /pasta, cereals that are kid friendly. Persons who are in need in the Marlboro/Morganville area or are members of the parish, call the conference hotline at 732-946-4487, ext. 240 and leave a message for the intake coordinator. All calls are kept confidential.

St. Joseph Parish Reader’s Club, Millstone Township, will meet Jan. 22. The next book the club will read is “Remarkably Bright Creatures” by Shelby Van Pelt. It was a number one best seller on the New York Times, USA today, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times. For more information about the Reader’s Club or to register for the Jan. 22 meeting, email [email protected].

St. Mary Parish, Middletown, will hold a Holy Hour Jan. 20 from 7 to 8 p.m. and will include Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet and veneration of a relic of St. Faustina.

St. Rose Parish Legion of Mary, Belmar, will host a Movie Night Presentation showing The Chosen Jan. 10 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the Pasko Conference Room. The last episodes – Parts 7 & 8 from Season 1 -- will be shown. Discussions will be held and pizza and snacks will be available. For more information, email [email protected] or call 908-309-2807.

St. Rose Parish Thomas Merton Discussion Group, Belmar, meets online on the first Tuesday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. The group is currently reflecting on The Road to Joy: Letters to New and Old Friends, Volume 2, of Merton’s published correspondence. To join the group email [email protected] or call 732-681-6238.

St. William the Abbot Parish, Howell, accepts donations of used eye glasses to benefit the Joe Mazzarella Eye Glass Donation Program. Donations may be placed in the receptacle located in the parish hall. All eye glasses are donated to the Eyes for Needy Program.

St. Teresa of Calcutta Book Club, Bradley Beach, will meet Jan. 9 at 6:30 p.m. in O’Hara Hall of Ascension Church, Bradley Beach. Discussion will focus on the book, “The Homecoming.”

Trenton Diocesan Federation and the Father McGivney Council, Knights of Columbus are participating in the “Send a Hero Home for the Holidays.” Contributions are being collected to transport an enlisted member of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard Home. Make checks payable to KOC Council 6392 and mail to P.O. Box 322, Lincroft, N.J. 07738.

Ocean County

Epiphany Parish’s Bereavement Support Group offers peer support for those grieving the death of a loved one. Six sessions are offered during which information is provided and mutual sharing and peer support is presented in a spiritual, caring and confidential setting. For more information, call 732-458-0220.

Ken’s Kitchen is a free social lunch program sponsored by St. Mary Parish, Barnegat, which welcomes people of all faiths from Barnegat and surrounding communities. Ken’s Kitchen operates each Thursday from 9 to 11:30 a.m. in the parish center for coffee, followed by informative speakers and entertainment. Soup and lunch will be served from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Meals are available for take-out after 11:30. Free bread and baked goods are distributed as well. Parish nurses are available twice per month for blood pressure screenings. For more information, call 609-618-9381.

St. Barnabas Parish Food Pantry, Bayville, is in need of the following donations: crackers, pancake mix, pancake syrup, canned potatoes, baked beans, toiletries, bars of soap, tea, coffee, juice, toilet tissue. Persons in need of food should call 732-269-2208, ext. 107.

St. Francis of Assisi Food Pantry, Long Beach Island, is open on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to noon. The pantry provides a wide range of food items, personal hygiene products and cleaning supplies. Specialty options such as dairy free, gluten free and vegan products, along with baby formula and diapers are available. Spanish speaking staff are available. Items needed include: canned goods: chicken, tuna, soup, beef stew, chili, SpaghettiOs, pork & beans, black beans, kidney beans, corn & peas. Needed non-perishable items: cereal, oatmeal, pasta & jarred pasta sauce, pancake mix & syrup, snacks & instant mashed potatoes. Needed hygiene products: laundry detergent, bar soap/body wash, shampoo, feminine hygiene products, toilet paper. Non-perishable food donations for the pantry can be dropped off in the designated bins at the Community Center entrance. Online monetary donations may be made through PayPal: To stay updated on the pantry’s services, text “PANTRY” to 833-511-0760.

St. John Parish, Food Pantry, Lakehurst, needs the following items: sugar-free jams, jellies, pancake syrup as well as regular canned fruit, canned coffee, tea bags, pasta sauce, pasta, hearty canned soups, canned white tuna and chicken, cereal, oatmeal. Food can be dropped in the blue bin in the church hall anytime the church is open. Foods that are frozen or need refrigeration should not be placed in the bin; perishables may be brought to the pantry Monday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m.

St. John Parish Respect Life Committee, Lakehurst, is hosting a drive to benefit Birthright and Open Door pregnancy centers. Items needed include: powder, lotion, shampoo, baby soap, diaper rash cream, Vaseline, wipes, baby towels, wash cloths and size large diapers. Items may be brought to the carriage container in the church hall.

St. John Parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Lakehurst, needs the following items for its food pantry: coffee (canned), tea bags, pasta sauce, boxed pasta (except elbow macaroni and spaghetti), hearty soups, canned white tuna and chicken, cereal for children and oatmeal, canned ravioli. Sugar free items such as jams, jellies, pancake syrup are also needed. food can be drooped in the blue bin in the church hall anytime the church is open. Frozen or refrigerated food should be brought to the pantry on Monday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m.

St.  John Parish Altar-Rosary Society, Lakehurst, will hold a Valentine’s Sock Hop Feb. 14 from 6 to 10 p.m. in the parish hall. Fee is $25 per person and includes subs, soda, water, coffee and tea. For tickets, make checks payable to St. John’s and in memo line indicate Rosary Sock Hop. Checks may be dropped in the collection basket at Mass. For questions, call 917-922-2565 or 732-618-6481.

St. Joseph Food Pantry, Toms River, will hold a food collection Jan. 4-5. A van will be parked outside the church to collect donations. Needed items include: canned ravioli, tuna, soup, beans, chili, hash, stew, fruit, vegetables;  coffee; tea bags; boxes of hot chocolate; jelly; laundry detergent; two-pound bags of rice; canned/boxed potatoes; pasta and pasta sauce; macaroni and cheese; cake mix; hot and cold cereal; large bottles of juice. Donations may also be brought to the food pantry on Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

St. Luke Parish St. Vincent dePaul Conference, Toms River, has a food pantry that distributes food to those in need Monday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Those in need of food should bring current identification and proof of residence. Persons wishing to donate food for the food pantry may place items in the wooden box in the church narthex. Needed food donations include coffee, tea, canned fruit, laundry detergent, toothpaste, paper towels and toilet tissue.

St. Mary Parish, Barnegat, will hold a Mass for families of loved ones who died by suicide Jan. 27 at 7 p.m. in the Barnegat church. Persons who have been affected by suicide and those who support them are encouraged to attend.

St. Mary Parish, Barnegat, will host its First Annual “Polar Plunk” parish fundraiser Jan. 25 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the parish center. Food, balloons, fun, games and contestants taking turns being dunked in the dunk tank will be featured.

St. Mary Parish, Barnegat, hosts Scripture sharing sessions every Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. in the rectory. The Readings for the upcoming Sunday are reviewed and discussed. For more information, call 609-339-8969. The parish hosts Ken’s Kitchen, a free social lunch program every Thursday from 9 to 11:30 a.m. in the parish center. Coffee, speakers and entertainment are provided and soup and lunch is served from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Meals are available for take-out after 11:30 a.m.; free bread and baked goods are distributed. Parish nurses are available twice a month for blood pressure screenings. For more information, call 609-618-9381.

St. Pio of Pietrelcina Parish, Lavallette, will hold a 24-part Bible study on Matthew’s Gospel. Afternoon sessions beginning Sept. 22 and will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Morning sessions will begin Sept. 25 and will be held from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. Fee is $25 and includes workbook and online access. Make checks payable to Sacred Heart Church. For more information, call 732-903-7551 or email [email protected].

St. Pius X Journey Through Grief Bereavement Support Group, Forked River, will meet for eight consecutive Tuesday afternoons at 2 p.m. in the meeting room. The first session begins Jan. 7. The group is led by certified bereavement facilitators. Registration forms, brochures and information sheets are available in the church narthex and office. Mail completed forms to Paula Little at 24 Cedar St., Barnegat, N.J. 08005. A facilitator will contact the inquirer.

St. Theresa Food Pantry, Little Egg Harbor, is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. Needed items for October include: Spaghettios and Beefaroni; Hamburger Helper-type packaged products, rice; side dishes; cake mix and frosting; children’s cereal; small jars of mayonnaise; ketchup; mustard; peanut butter; pancake syrup; pancake mix; apple juice; toilet tissue; pasta and canned soup. For questions, call 609-296-1345.

St. Theresa Parish, Little Egg Harbor, has added a second day and time for praying the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows and Divine Mercy Chaplet. In addition to Tuesdays, the prayers will be held on Fridays at 3 p.m.

St. Theresa Parish Adult Faith Formation Team, Little Egg Harbor, will host an eight-week study on the Gospel of Luke starting Jan. 9. Sessions will be held on Thursdays in the morning at 9:30 a.m. and in the evening at 7 p.m. Produced by Ascension Press, The Gospel of Luke will consist of eight sessions with a 30-minute DVD presentation followed by table discussions. Fee is $32 which includes workbook and one-year access to the online DVDs. Registration will be held the weekend of Jan. 4-5. For more information, call 304-268-4816.

All parishes and schools are welcome to submit their events to
[email protected].

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