Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing: A Chrism Mass for marriage
November 13, 2024 at 9:54 a.m.
For Catholics in the Diocese of Trenton, the month of October has been a time to “fall in love.” On Oct. 6 and 27, more than 250 married couples gathered to renew their vows and commitment to one another and to God. Surrounded by family, friends and the local Church, couples celebrating their first anniversary sat with those celebrating more than 65 years of marital love. It is a beautiful sight to behold, to see “young love,” and love that has deepened over multiple decades.
The Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing is the most important annual event in the Diocese of Trenton to honor the gift and vocation of marriage. In a way, the Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing is for married couples what the Chrism Mass is for the priesthood. At the Chrism Mass, all the faithful of the Diocese gather with the Bishop to celebrate and give thanks to God for the vocation of the priesthood. The Chrism Mass is a special opportunity for the ordained deacons as well as the laity, including women and men in religious life, married couples and single Catholics, those who are divorced, widowed or never married, to witness the rededication of priests’ lives to Christ and his Church through their ministry. At the Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing, we, too, recognize the gift of the vocation of marriage and give thanks to God for their witness.
“I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1: 6).
Both the Chrism Mass and Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing enable the Church to rejoice with each other in the continued work of God in the lives of those whom he has called. We are inspired by each other’s vocation to more fully embrace and live out our own.
Whether celebrating an anniversary of 1 year, 25 years or 50+ years, they deserve the recognition of their greater Catholic community, as their marriage is a sacred sign of Christ’s love for his bride, the Church, and is a message of hope for the world.
In addition to receiving the blessing of their Bishop, there is something special for these faithful couples in seeing their beloved priest or pastor concelebrate the Anniversary Blessing Mass. Seeing the priest who prepared a couple for marriage, or the priest who currently ministers to them, can serve as a reminder that the Church is present to them, and cares about them. Seeing “young love” is refreshing in a world focused on the self, while seeing the dedication and commitment of those married 25, 50 or even more years, shows us it is possible, and the graces are real! Through different means, both priests and married couples make God’s love and presence known to the world, and this liturgy in a special way brings us together in recognition of this reality.
The Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing was a beautiful opportunity for the Church to celebrate married love, but it is not the only opportunity! We encourage parishes to celebrate the engagement of couples and to pray for them regularly. Pastors are invited to bless couples on (or near) their anniversary. In February, the Universal Church celebrates World Marriage Day (the second Sunday in February). Here too, parishes can recognize and celebrate the marriages in their midst. And stay tuned for events geared toward married couples, both social and spiritual.
And to the married couples, in 2015 Pope Francis canonized Zelié and Louis Martin, the parents of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Saints Zelié and Louis, while not the first canonized married couple, are the first to be canonized together. Is there a better model and example of marriage than to achieve holiness together? Their feast day is July 15. Whether you are single, engaged, married or widowed, I invite you to join me in seeking their intercession:
Saints Zelié and Louis Martin, you pursued God faithfully through life. In seeking unity with HIM, you found a spouse with whom you achieved holiness. Bless our marriage LORD, that we too may be holy, loving Christ and one another with deep devotion, and be a reflection of God’s love in the world. Grant us strength in trials, and satisfaction in joy, that our hearts and minds be fixed on faith, hope, and love. Amen.
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Tuesday, January 21, 2025
For Catholics in the Diocese of Trenton, the month of October has been a time to “fall in love.” On Oct. 6 and 27, more than 250 married couples gathered to renew their vows and commitment to one another and to God. Surrounded by family, friends and the local Church, couples celebrating their first anniversary sat with those celebrating more than 65 years of marital love. It is a beautiful sight to behold, to see “young love,” and love that has deepened over multiple decades.
The Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing is the most important annual event in the Diocese of Trenton to honor the gift and vocation of marriage. In a way, the Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing is for married couples what the Chrism Mass is for the priesthood. At the Chrism Mass, all the faithful of the Diocese gather with the Bishop to celebrate and give thanks to God for the vocation of the priesthood. The Chrism Mass is a special opportunity for the ordained deacons as well as the laity, including women and men in religious life, married couples and single Catholics, those who are divorced, widowed or never married, to witness the rededication of priests’ lives to Christ and his Church through their ministry. At the Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing, we, too, recognize the gift of the vocation of marriage and give thanks to God for their witness.
“I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1: 6).
Both the Chrism Mass and Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing enable the Church to rejoice with each other in the continued work of God in the lives of those whom he has called. We are inspired by each other’s vocation to more fully embrace and live out our own.
Whether celebrating an anniversary of 1 year, 25 years or 50+ years, they deserve the recognition of their greater Catholic community, as their marriage is a sacred sign of Christ’s love for his bride, the Church, and is a message of hope for the world.
In addition to receiving the blessing of their Bishop, there is something special for these faithful couples in seeing their beloved priest or pastor concelebrate the Anniversary Blessing Mass. Seeing the priest who prepared a couple for marriage, or the priest who currently ministers to them, can serve as a reminder that the Church is present to them, and cares about them. Seeing “young love” is refreshing in a world focused on the self, while seeing the dedication and commitment of those married 25, 50 or even more years, shows us it is possible, and the graces are real! Through different means, both priests and married couples make God’s love and presence known to the world, and this liturgy in a special way brings us together in recognition of this reality.
The Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing was a beautiful opportunity for the Church to celebrate married love, but it is not the only opportunity! We encourage parishes to celebrate the engagement of couples and to pray for them regularly. Pastors are invited to bless couples on (or near) their anniversary. In February, the Universal Church celebrates World Marriage Day (the second Sunday in February). Here too, parishes can recognize and celebrate the marriages in their midst. And stay tuned for events geared toward married couples, both social and spiritual.
And to the married couples, in 2015 Pope Francis canonized Zelié and Louis Martin, the parents of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Saints Zelié and Louis, while not the first canonized married couple, are the first to be canonized together. Is there a better model and example of marriage than to achieve holiness together? Their feast day is July 15. Whether you are single, engaged, married or widowed, I invite you to join me in seeking their intercession:
Saints Zelié and Louis Martin, you pursued God faithfully through life. In seeking unity with HIM, you found a spouse with whom you achieved holiness. Bless our marriage LORD, that we too may be holy, loving Christ and one another with deep devotion, and be a reflection of God’s love in the world. Grant us strength in trials, and satisfaction in joy, that our hearts and minds be fixed on faith, hope, and love. Amen.