Annual Catholic Appeal: By the Numbers

March 12, 2024 at 10:25 a.m.
Landing screen shot for the Annual Catholic Appeal website,
Landing screen shot for the Annual Catholic Appeal website,

IN 2023:

• $6,057,243 raised by 22,705 donors – amount up 11% from previous year; number of donors increased by 10%

• 52 parishes hit their goal – increase of 13 parishes, including 5 that reached their goal for the first time

• Average gift: $223 – down $47 from previous year

• $760,000 in parish rebates – increase of $207,000

• 2024 GOAL: $6.5 million – $2.25 million for clergy and religious life ministries; $1.75 million for faith development and evangelization ministries; $2.5 million for pastoral and social outreach

• 15% – amount of collected donations a parish receives back when goal is met

• 50% – amount a parish receives back from funds raised over and above its donation goal, to be used for repairs/restoration projects, new areas of growth, ministry development and other needs


Throughout the year, gifts to the Annual Catholic Appeal help to fund the work of the Diocese of Trenton, on behalf of its parishes and people. Here are some of the programs, events and resources that are made possible through the ACA:

• Diocesan Youth Conference

• Young Adult Conference

• Participation in national and international Church initiatives, such as the Synod on Synodality and the National Eucharistic Revival

• Chrism Mass

• Blue Mass

• Guadalupe Torch pilgrimage

• Formation programs for catechists and catechetical leaders

• School principal professional development and seminars on cutting edge topics

• Vocation awareness presentations and discernment programs

• Seminarians – Tuition and support

• Communications and information resources, including the Diocese’s websites; social media and email notifications; video production and livestreaming, and subsidizing of Church-paid subscriptions for The Monitor Magazine


In addition to initial ACA launch materials, the Department of Development continues engaging the faithful with a dedicated web page,, including the video containing Bishop’s message that can be viewed in six languages; social media posts, many of which can be customized and used by parishes on their own social media sites; and its quarterly newsletter “Gratitude and Grace,” which illustrates specific examples of ACA funds at work.

“The newsletter goes out three times a year to help donors and potential donors understand how funds are used,” Kimball explained. “The third newsletter in December is a recap and offers a last chance to give.”


Representatives of ministries and programs supported by ACA funds were eager to share their experiences in the ACA video and printed materials, including catechesis, Catholic social service agencies, diaconate formation, continuing Catholic education for teachers and principals, and caring for retired priests of the Diocese.

As representative of the 52 parishes that met their donation goal, Stephen Cisek of St. William the Abbot Parish, Howell, described how the ACA rebate funds were used.

“[We have] been blessed with a very generous congregation, which has allowed building improvements to be made on a yearly basis,” said Stephen Cisek, the parish’s ACA chairman. “New outside lights, fencing and an improved parking lot have been some of the improvements in the past few years.”

Upon completion of the 2023 ACA, the parish will use rebate funds for additional building improvements, including a fresh coat of paint for the parish hall, new ceiling tiles and updated window coverings. “The hall is a worthy gathering space for many [parish] occasions, such as Hospitality Sundays, Baptism gatherings, Knights of Columbus activities and various dinner functions throughout the year,” said Cisek, who noted parishioners’ positive feedback about the work.

IN 2023:

• $6,057,243 raised by 22,705 donors – amount up 11% from previous year; number of donors increased by 10%

• 52 parishes hit their goal – increase of 13 parishes, including 5 that reached their goal for the first time

• Average gift: $223 – down $47 from previous year

• $760,000 in parish rebates – increase of $207,000

• 2024 GOAL: $6.5 million – $2.25 million for clergy and religious life ministries; $1.75 million for faith development and evangelization ministries; $2.5 million for pastoral and social outreach

• 15% – amount of collected donations a parish receives back when goal is met

• 50% – amount a parish receives back from funds raised over and above its donation goal, to be used for repairs/restoration projects, new areas of growth, ministry development and other needs


Throughout the year, gifts to the Annual Catholic Appeal help to fund the work of the Diocese of Trenton, on behalf of its parishes and people. Here are some of the programs, events and resources that are made possible through the ACA:

• Diocesan Youth Conference

• Young Adult Conference

• Participation in national and international Church initiatives, such as the Synod on Synodality and the National Eucharistic Revival

• Chrism Mass

• Blue Mass

• Guadalupe Torch pilgrimage

• Formation programs for catechists and catechetical leaders

• School principal professional development and seminars on cutting edge topics

• Vocation awareness presentations and discernment programs

• Seminarians – Tuition and support

• Communications and information resources, including the Diocese’s websites; social media and email notifications; video production and livestreaming, and subsidizing of Church-paid subscriptions for The Monitor Magazine


In addition to initial ACA launch materials, the Department of Development continues engaging the faithful with a dedicated web page,, including the video containing Bishop’s message that can be viewed in six languages; social media posts, many of which can be customized and used by parishes on their own social media sites; and its quarterly newsletter “Gratitude and Grace,” which illustrates specific examples of ACA funds at work.

“The newsletter goes out three times a year to help donors and potential donors understand how funds are used,” Kimball explained. “The third newsletter in December is a recap and offers a last chance to give.”


Representatives of ministries and programs supported by ACA funds were eager to share their experiences in the ACA video and printed materials, including catechesis, Catholic social service agencies, diaconate formation, continuing Catholic education for teachers and principals, and caring for retired priests of the Diocese.

As representative of the 52 parishes that met their donation goal, Stephen Cisek of St. William the Abbot Parish, Howell, described how the ACA rebate funds were used.

“[We have] been blessed with a very generous congregation, which has allowed building improvements to be made on a yearly basis,” said Stephen Cisek, the parish’s ACA chairman. “New outside lights, fencing and an improved parking lot have been some of the improvements in the past few years.”

Upon completion of the 2023 ACA, the parish will use rebate funds for additional building improvements, including a fresh coat of paint for the parish hall, new ceiling tiles and updated window coverings. “The hall is a worthy gathering space for many [parish] occasions, such as Hospitality Sundays, Baptism gatherings, Knights of Columbus activities and various dinner functions throughout the year,” said Cisek, who noted parishioners’ positive feedback about the work.

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