Class of 2024 urged to ‘Remember your Stuart roots’

June 18, 2024 at 10:07 a.m.
Stuart graduate Katharine Murphy gives a rose of appreciation to her mother during the Baccalaureate vesper service at the school June 6.
Stuart graduate Katharine Murphy gives a rose of appreciation to her mother during the Baccalaureate vesper service at the school June 6. (Hal Brown)


Two different speakers urged graduates of Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart to remember the support and friendships built over four years there.

“I have seen each of you harness the power of community, navigating your journeys with your classmates, teachers, parents, friends and global Sacred Heart family,” Julia Wall, head of the Princeton school, told the 27 young female graduates.

PHOTO GALLERY: Stuart Graduation

PHOTO GALLERY: Stuart Vespers Service 

“As this chapter comes to a close, remember your Stuart roots and how deeply embedded they are with those who support you and care about you, fortified by knowing that you are part of something bigger, something whole,” Wall told them June 8 during commencement ceremonies.

Class speaker Lavanya Seshasayee noted the graduates included “horseback riders and track stars, mathematicians and linguists and literally everything in between.”

    Stuart graduates listen to their class speaker. Shown from left, front: Harsimar Kaur, Giselle Jean-Marie, J’vonae Fitchett, Kayla Carter; in back Eva Nester, Alexandra Mandzij. Hal Brown photos.
 Hal Brown 

“Our years together have been marked by laughter, tears, triumphs and trials,” Seshasayee said. “But today, we stand together on this stage … all ready to take this next step into a new chapter of our lives.

“The bonds were formed here are unbreakable, and no matter where life takes us, we will always carry a piece of each other with us wherever we are,” Seshasayee said, then concluded with “To the Class of 2024, I can’t wait to see the incredible things you’ll accomplish on your journey. “As we leave Stuart’s green brick walls, remember you will never walk this life alone. We’ve built a family here, and Stuart will always be our home.”

Stephanie A. Champi, Class of 2012, was the commencement’s featured speaker. During the ceremony, school officials recognized five students for exemplifying Stuart’s goals: Grace Xia for a personal and active faith in God; Brittney Barnwell for a deep respect for intellectual values; Isabel Milley for a social awareness that leads to action; Layna Tarbotton for building of community as a Christian value; and Katharine Murphy for personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.

The graduates will head to 23 different colleges and universities across the country. More than onethird intend to major in STEM fields, and another third plan to study business.

Two days earlier, graduates attended a Baccalaureate Vespers service presided over by Msgr. Gregory E.S. Malovetz, school chaplain and pastor of St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Skillman.

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Two different speakers urged graduates of Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart to remember the support and friendships built over four years there.

“I have seen each of you harness the power of community, navigating your journeys with your classmates, teachers, parents, friends and global Sacred Heart family,” Julia Wall, head of the Princeton school, told the 27 young female graduates.

PHOTO GALLERY: Stuart Graduation

PHOTO GALLERY: Stuart Vespers Service 

“As this chapter comes to a close, remember your Stuart roots and how deeply embedded they are with those who support you and care about you, fortified by knowing that you are part of something bigger, something whole,” Wall told them June 8 during commencement ceremonies.

Class speaker Lavanya Seshasayee noted the graduates included “horseback riders and track stars, mathematicians and linguists and literally everything in between.”

    Stuart graduates listen to their class speaker. Shown from left, front: Harsimar Kaur, Giselle Jean-Marie, J’vonae Fitchett, Kayla Carter; in back Eva Nester, Alexandra Mandzij. Hal Brown photos.
 Hal Brown 

“Our years together have been marked by laughter, tears, triumphs and trials,” Seshasayee said. “But today, we stand together on this stage … all ready to take this next step into a new chapter of our lives.

“The bonds were formed here are unbreakable, and no matter where life takes us, we will always carry a piece of each other with us wherever we are,” Seshasayee said, then concluded with “To the Class of 2024, I can’t wait to see the incredible things you’ll accomplish on your journey. “As we leave Stuart’s green brick walls, remember you will never walk this life alone. We’ve built a family here, and Stuart will always be our home.”

Stephanie A. Champi, Class of 2012, was the commencement’s featured speaker. During the ceremony, school officials recognized five students for exemplifying Stuart’s goals: Grace Xia for a personal and active faith in God; Brittney Barnwell for a deep respect for intellectual values; Isabel Milley for a social awareness that leads to action; Layna Tarbotton for building of community as a Christian value; and Katharine Murphy for personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.

The graduates will head to 23 different colleges and universities across the country. More than onethird intend to major in STEM fields, and another third plan to study business.

Two days earlier, graduates attended a Baccalaureate Vespers service presided over by Msgr. Gregory E.S. Malovetz, school chaplain and pastor of St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Skillman.

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