Something for everyone at conference

December 11, 2024 at 11:04 a.m.

Excitement is building among presenters as well as pastors and parish catechetical leaders who are participating in the Faith Formation Conference on March 29. Here’s what a few have to say about the value a conference such as this can have for faith formation ministry and their hopes for the impact that it will have among the faith formation ministers in their parish communities. This conference will be a powerful tool for unifying and empowering the parishes within our Diocese. 


“The bilingual format will be particularly beneficial to the Hispanic community, providing them with the resources and support to strengthen their ministries and address their unique needs and challenges. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in workshops, share experiences, exchange ideas, build lasting relationships, and deepen their faith journey.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish is delighted to be a part of this transformative event. We believe it will offer invaluable opportunities for our parishioners to grow in their faith and ministry.

Divine Word Father Guilherme Andrino, Pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Lakewood

“As a parish catechetical leader, I think that having a yearly Faith Formation Conference is essential. The speakers and information provided each year is helpful in leading and teaching the youth of today.

I encourage all my catechists to attend because they learn so much valuable information to help our students fall in love with the Catholic faith as well as helping them to be effective teachers. When we all get together in a room, we not only share the love of our faith but great ideas and ways to connect to our students. It promotes a great sense of community in Christ, which we all need today.

I’m looking forward to attending the March conference as they have so many wonderful speakers!

Suzanne Pfirrman, Parish Catechetical Leader, St. Mary Parish, Middletown

“The Faith Formation & Parish Ministry Conference to be held on 29 March at St. John Vianney High School will surely prove to be both formative and motivating for all those in ministry.

It is so important to be supported as we do our best to pass on the Catholic faith. It is at these conferences that we grow in our own faith and get to share and learn from others in our Diocese.

I am certain that this conference will impact all those in ministry and give them fresh ideas to bring back to their parishes.

Julia Cullen, Parish Catechetical Leader, St. Mary Parish, Colts Neck

 “When thinking ahead of the Faith Formation Conference, this passage comes to mind, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)

Faith Formation is a lifelong journey, beginning with our newly baptized through all ages, during which we teach the doctrines and also guide them on their spiritual journey. The conference gives us leaders additional tools to help our ministries grow when passing on our faith and teaching about their relationship with God.

Though we don’t have a Spanish community, knowing that the conference will have some sessions in Spanish is wonderful in spreading the Good News. Let us all be stewards of this mission.

Margaret Zola, Business Manager and Parish Catechetical Leader, Mary, Mother of the Church Parish, Bordentown

“The Catechetical Conference will afford the catechists the opportunity to grow in their understanding of the faith, so that they can more effectively transmit that faith to others. Most important, though, is the act of coming together – the conversations among catechists, the chance to listen to other’s questions, and to engage in dialogue with others.

I am offering a session on the Nicene Creed, along with Father Carlos Aguirre (pastor of Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Trenton), who is doing so in Spanish.

As we observe this year the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, it provides an opportunity to dig deeper into the Creed that we recite every Sunday.

Father Garry Koch, Pastor, St. Benedict Parish, Holmdel

“I have never regretted going to these conferences! There are  always multiple valuable experiences to be gained from attending, and I have always left feeling inspired and with at least a few great, practical ideas that I can implement in my ministry. The highlights for me are typically being able to gain really valuable wisdom and insights from both the speaker and from catechists and other catechetical leaders. We have such a truly wonderful community of catechists in our Diocese that having the opportunity to be together, catch up, share ideas, and just enjoy one another’s company makes the day worth it in and of itself.

I will be presenting tips for accompanying parents in First Holy Communion preparation. It’s really a blessing and a privilege for us to accompany parents during what is such a joyful time in the family’s faith life, and I am really looking forward to sharing ideas and learning from our catechists about how we can support parents as they help to prepare their children for the Sacrament.

Jessica Donohue, Parish catechetical leader, St. Joan of Arc Parish, Marlton

Excitement is building among presenters as well as pastors and parish catechetical leaders who are participating in the Faith Formation Conference on March 29. Here’s what a few have to say about the value a conference such as this can have for faith formation ministry and their hopes for the impact that it will have among the faith formation ministers in their parish communities. This conference will be a powerful tool for unifying and empowering the parishes within our Diocese. 


“The bilingual format will be particularly beneficial to the Hispanic community, providing them with the resources and support to strengthen their ministries and address their unique needs and challenges. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in workshops, share experiences, exchange ideas, build lasting relationships, and deepen their faith journey.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish is delighted to be a part of this transformative event. We believe it will offer invaluable opportunities for our parishioners to grow in their faith and ministry.

Divine Word Father Guilherme Andrino, Pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Lakewood

“As a parish catechetical leader, I think that having a yearly Faith Formation Conference is essential. The speakers and information provided each year is helpful in leading and teaching the youth of today.

I encourage all my catechists to attend because they learn so much valuable information to help our students fall in love with the Catholic faith as well as helping them to be effective teachers. When we all get together in a room, we not only share the love of our faith but great ideas and ways to connect to our students. It promotes a great sense of community in Christ, which we all need today.

I’m looking forward to attending the March conference as they have so many wonderful speakers!

Suzanne Pfirrman, Parish Catechetical Leader, St. Mary Parish, Middletown

“The Faith Formation & Parish Ministry Conference to be held on 29 March at St. John Vianney High School will surely prove to be both formative and motivating for all those in ministry.

It is so important to be supported as we do our best to pass on the Catholic faith. It is at these conferences that we grow in our own faith and get to share and learn from others in our Diocese.

I am certain that this conference will impact all those in ministry and give them fresh ideas to bring back to their parishes.

Julia Cullen, Parish Catechetical Leader, St. Mary Parish, Colts Neck

 “When thinking ahead of the Faith Formation Conference, this passage comes to mind, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)

Faith Formation is a lifelong journey, beginning with our newly baptized through all ages, during which we teach the doctrines and also guide them on their spiritual journey. The conference gives us leaders additional tools to help our ministries grow when passing on our faith and teaching about their relationship with God.

Though we don’t have a Spanish community, knowing that the conference will have some sessions in Spanish is wonderful in spreading the Good News. Let us all be stewards of this mission.

Margaret Zola, Business Manager and Parish Catechetical Leader, Mary, Mother of the Church Parish, Bordentown

“The Catechetical Conference will afford the catechists the opportunity to grow in their understanding of the faith, so that they can more effectively transmit that faith to others. Most important, though, is the act of coming together – the conversations among catechists, the chance to listen to other’s questions, and to engage in dialogue with others.

I am offering a session on the Nicene Creed, along with Father Carlos Aguirre (pastor of Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Trenton), who is doing so in Spanish.

As we observe this year the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, it provides an opportunity to dig deeper into the Creed that we recite every Sunday.

Father Garry Koch, Pastor, St. Benedict Parish, Holmdel

“I have never regretted going to these conferences! There are  always multiple valuable experiences to be gained from attending, and I have always left feeling inspired and with at least a few great, practical ideas that I can implement in my ministry. The highlights for me are typically being able to gain really valuable wisdom and insights from both the speaker and from catechists and other catechetical leaders. We have such a truly wonderful community of catechists in our Diocese that having the opportunity to be together, catch up, share ideas, and just enjoy one another’s company makes the day worth it in and of itself.

I will be presenting tips for accompanying parents in First Holy Communion preparation. It’s really a blessing and a privilege for us to accompany parents during what is such a joyful time in the family’s faith life, and I am really looking forward to sharing ideas and learning from our catechists about how we can support parents as they help to prepare their children for the Sacrament.

Jessica Donohue, Parish catechetical leader, St. Joan of Arc Parish, Marlton

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