Cherry Trees Can Take 7 Years to Bear Fruit

October 6, 2023 at 6:23 a.m.
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Sarah Hollcraft, Fiat Ventures

My childhood summers often consisted of hot days with my siblings in my godparents’ backyard climbing their cherry tree and seeing how far we could spit the pits. Every summer, that tree grew so many cherries that we would get sick from eating them; until one day, it just didn’t. I was too young to understand exactly what had happened, but for some reason the cherry tree just started to die, stopped growing fruit, and eventually it got cut down. Soon after, my godparents moved out of that house, got divorced, and left the Catholic church. To be clear, I know that the cherry tree’s death has nothing to do with their faith, but when I read Jesus’ words today, I can’t help but be reminded of those summer days: “Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.”

Sunday’s readings should challenge us and even make us feel a bit uncomfortable. Take time to ask yourself these questions and be honest about your answers:

Do you see yourself as the vineyard in the first reading? Have you grown wild and turned away from God’s plans? Have you planted roots in places and with people you shouldn’t devote your time? Have you become negligent in your faith and become incapable of producing good fruit?

Or do you see yourself as the greedy tenants in the Gospel? Do you feel owed more fruits for your labor? Do you reject the people and signs that God sends you? Have you been selfish in keeping and hiding away the gifts that God has given to you?

No matter where you find yourself, this is an opportunity to recommit to God’s plan for our growth. We are His cherished plant. He has placed us in a fertile hillside, a church full of beauty and truth. He planted us among His choicest vines, saints to be an inspiration and encouragement. He built a watchtower over us, angels who help be our guidance and protection. It is clear that God has not created us to fail or fall, but to grow, thrive, and bear good fruit. And while you may feel that you are withered or barren, God will not leave you like the cherry tree to be cut down and forgotten. God promises new life.

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My childhood summers often consisted of hot days with my siblings in my godparents’ backyard climbing their cherry tree and seeing how far we could spit the pits. Every summer, that tree grew so many cherries that we would get sick from eating them; until one day, it just didn’t. I was too young to understand exactly what had happened, but for some reason the cherry tree just started to die, stopped growing fruit, and eventually it got cut down. Soon after, my godparents moved out of that house, got divorced, and left the Catholic church. To be clear, I know that the cherry tree’s death has nothing to do with their faith, but when I read Jesus’ words today, I can’t help but be reminded of those summer days: “Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.”

Sunday’s readings should challenge us and even make us feel a bit uncomfortable. Take time to ask yourself these questions and be honest about your answers:

Do you see yourself as the vineyard in the first reading? Have you grown wild and turned away from God’s plans? Have you planted roots in places and with people you shouldn’t devote your time? Have you become negligent in your faith and become incapable of producing good fruit?

Or do you see yourself as the greedy tenants in the Gospel? Do you feel owed more fruits for your labor? Do you reject the people and signs that God sends you? Have you been selfish in keeping and hiding away the gifts that God has given to you?

No matter where you find yourself, this is an opportunity to recommit to God’s plan for our growth. We are His cherished plant. He has placed us in a fertile hillside, a church full of beauty and truth. He planted us among His choicest vines, saints to be an inspiration and encouragement. He built a watchtower over us, angels who help be our guidance and protection. It is clear that God has not created us to fail or fall, but to grow, thrive, and bear good fruit. And while you may feel that you are withered or barren, God will not leave you like the cherry tree to be cut down and forgotten. God promises new life.

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