Mother’s Day: A time to honor mom with love, gratitude and prayer

May 12, 2023 at 4:11 p.m.
Mother’s Day: A time to honor mom with love, gratitude and prayer
Mother’s Day: A time to honor mom with love, gratitude and prayer

By Bishop David M. O'Connell, C.M.

Mother’s Day Weekend is a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate the unconditional love of the women who, with the grace of God, first brought us to life. Whether they are living or have gone home to be with the Lord, mothers still have a profound influence on their children – and a profound responsibility for them.

One of the advantages of growing older is the deeper sense of perspective that maturity brings: the ability to look back on all that we have experienced in life and what that experience truly means. 

For most of us, it is pretty hard to imagine what our life would be like without our moms. Their love, encouragement, support, advice and, yes, correction, have helped shape the way we look at the world and the way we relate to others. They were our first teachers, and we were “schooled” in the arms of their embrace.

At the same time, there are those among us who never had the chance to experience the loving presence of their mother, either because of early death or some other difficult circumstance.  Please God, someone else helped fill the void as they grew.

In either case, Mother’s Day gives rise to memories, thoughts and emotions that have an effect upon us in the present. It is good to pay attention to them.

Mother’s Day is different than any other holiday we celebrate. It looks to the past for sure, but it contributes something to the present: a deeper appreciation for the difference love makes in our lives especially the love that supports and characterizes a happy and healthy family life.

Hopefully, Mother’s Day moves us to expressions of gratitude: first to God, the author of all life, and, then, to our moms and for our moms – living and deceased – who said “yes” to God’s offer to share in his creative love.

If you are fortunate enough to have your mom still, whether near or far, don’t miss the opportunity to let her know you love her and that you are grateful for all the love she has given you.  Say it.  Tell her.  Hold her tight, literally or in your heart.

Do something special. Pray for her, especially at holy Mass on Sunday, Mother’s Day itself. If you can, go to Mass WITH her. Celebrate Mother’s Day and don’t let it pass you by.

And if your mom has gone on to her eternal reward, let your best memories lift your minds and hearts to her in gratitude and prayer that our loving God will smile lovingly upon her in heaven on this special day.

Remember on this Mother’s Day the beautiful words of St. Thérèse of Lisieux: “The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.” How true!

May Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, bless all our mothers and lead them always to the heart of her Son.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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Mother’s Day Weekend is a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate the unconditional love of the women who, with the grace of God, first brought us to life. Whether they are living or have gone home to be with the Lord, mothers still have a profound influence on their children – and a profound responsibility for them.

One of the advantages of growing older is the deeper sense of perspective that maturity brings: the ability to look back on all that we have experienced in life and what that experience truly means. 

For most of us, it is pretty hard to imagine what our life would be like without our moms. Their love, encouragement, support, advice and, yes, correction, have helped shape the way we look at the world and the way we relate to others. They were our first teachers, and we were “schooled” in the arms of their embrace.

At the same time, there are those among us who never had the chance to experience the loving presence of their mother, either because of early death or some other difficult circumstance.  Please God, someone else helped fill the void as they grew.

In either case, Mother’s Day gives rise to memories, thoughts and emotions that have an effect upon us in the present. It is good to pay attention to them.

Mother’s Day is different than any other holiday we celebrate. It looks to the past for sure, but it contributes something to the present: a deeper appreciation for the difference love makes in our lives especially the love that supports and characterizes a happy and healthy family life.

Hopefully, Mother’s Day moves us to expressions of gratitude: first to God, the author of all life, and, then, to our moms and for our moms – living and deceased – who said “yes” to God’s offer to share in his creative love.

If you are fortunate enough to have your mom still, whether near or far, don’t miss the opportunity to let her know you love her and that you are grateful for all the love she has given you.  Say it.  Tell her.  Hold her tight, literally or in your heart.

Do something special. Pray for her, especially at holy Mass on Sunday, Mother’s Day itself. If you can, go to Mass WITH her. Celebrate Mother’s Day and don’t let it pass you by.

And if your mom has gone on to her eternal reward, let your best memories lift your minds and hearts to her in gratitude and prayer that our loving God will smile lovingly upon her in heaven on this special day.

Remember on this Mother’s Day the beautiful words of St. Thérèse of Lisieux: “The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.” How true!

May Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, bless all our mothers and lead them always to the heart of her Son.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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