The Luminous Mysteries

October 6, 2021 at 3:07 p.m.
The Luminous Mysteries
The Luminous Mysteries

By Christina Leslie | Correspondent

I have (unofficially) given the Luminous Mysteries my own private nickname: the Learning Mysteries.

The other three sets of Mysteries, though beautiful in their own right, sometimes seem unapproachable in their majesty and grandeur. The Luminous Mysteries, however, have something to teach me about the works of Jesus on earth and his step-by-step instructions on deepening my faith and drawing me closer to him.

From his public Baptism at the hands of his cousin, John, to his first miracle and the sharing of his own precious Body and Blood for our salvation, each one of the Luminous Mysteries have a lesson to teach and a recipe of faith to follow.

I spoke with Rosemarie Micharski, who said she believes praying the Rosary, especially the Luminous Mysteries, is a valuable tool in spreading the faith in young believers.

“We need the Rosary today,” Micharski, who works at Trenton Catholic Preparatory Academy, asserted, describing the Hamilton school’s diverse and devout population. Since 1993, Micharski has instilled the faith in young catechists of various Trenton parishes as a coordinator and director of religious education, a lay ecclesial minister and a pastoral assistant. Praying the Rosary’s Luminous Mysteries allows her to “meditate and contemplate,” and allows the children to “relate to the life of Jesus,” she said.

“When I pray the Luminous Mysteries, I always think of one of my great aunt’s favorite songs and a highlight of our parish’s Confirmation service: ‘Christ, Be our Light,’” she recalled. “It is a highlight of our Confirmation service. The Luminous Mysteries are the light of Christ, his public ministry. We should teach the children these mysteries.”

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The Luminous Mysteries - Jesus’ Baptism in the Jordan (Matthew 3:13-16); the Wedding Feast at Cana (John 2:1-11); the Proclamation of the Kingdom (Mark 1:14-15); the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-8), and the Institution of the Holy Eucharist (Matthew 26) - were instituted by St. John Paul II in 2002. Also known as the Mysteries of Light, they are usually prayed on Thursdays.

“Their focus is on the Kingdom, to show us how we get to paradise, she said. “They are the road map, and the Eucharist is the fuel. “Praying the Rosary relaxes me,” Micharski admitted. “I always pray it before bed. I pray for God’s healing touch on the people I love and this country. It gives me a restful night and puts me to sleep.”

She continued, “I read somewhere that, if I woke up in the middle of the night, it meant that Mother Mary wanted to talk to me, so I pray the Rosary then too.”

Even the recent pandemic lockdowns could not conquer the peace she felt praying the Rosary, Micharski asserted. “During quarantine, my cat likes to sit with me when I pray.”

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I have (unofficially) given the Luminous Mysteries my own private nickname: the Learning Mysteries.

The other three sets of Mysteries, though beautiful in their own right, sometimes seem unapproachable in their majesty and grandeur. The Luminous Mysteries, however, have something to teach me about the works of Jesus on earth and his step-by-step instructions on deepening my faith and drawing me closer to him.

From his public Baptism at the hands of his cousin, John, to his first miracle and the sharing of his own precious Body and Blood for our salvation, each one of the Luminous Mysteries have a lesson to teach and a recipe of faith to follow.

I spoke with Rosemarie Micharski, who said she believes praying the Rosary, especially the Luminous Mysteries, is a valuable tool in spreading the faith in young believers.

“We need the Rosary today,” Micharski, who works at Trenton Catholic Preparatory Academy, asserted, describing the Hamilton school’s diverse and devout population. Since 1993, Micharski has instilled the faith in young catechists of various Trenton parishes as a coordinator and director of religious education, a lay ecclesial minister and a pastoral assistant. Praying the Rosary’s Luminous Mysteries allows her to “meditate and contemplate,” and allows the children to “relate to the life of Jesus,” she said.

“When I pray the Luminous Mysteries, I always think of one of my great aunt’s favorite songs and a highlight of our parish’s Confirmation service: ‘Christ, Be our Light,’” she recalled. “It is a highlight of our Confirmation service. The Luminous Mysteries are the light of Christ, his public ministry. We should teach the children these mysteries.”

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The Luminous Mysteries - Jesus’ Baptism in the Jordan (Matthew 3:13-16); the Wedding Feast at Cana (John 2:1-11); the Proclamation of the Kingdom (Mark 1:14-15); the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-8), and the Institution of the Holy Eucharist (Matthew 26) - were instituted by St. John Paul II in 2002. Also known as the Mysteries of Light, they are usually prayed on Thursdays.

“Their focus is on the Kingdom, to show us how we get to paradise, she said. “They are the road map, and the Eucharist is the fuel. “Praying the Rosary relaxes me,” Micharski admitted. “I always pray it before bed. I pray for God’s healing touch on the people I love and this country. It gives me a restful night and puts me to sleep.”

She continued, “I read somewhere that, if I woke up in the middle of the night, it meant that Mother Mary wanted to talk to me, so I pray the Rosary then too.”

Even the recent pandemic lockdowns could not conquer the peace she felt praying the Rosary, Micharski asserted. “During quarantine, my cat likes to sit with me when I pray.”

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