Enter the annual diocesan Respect Life Poster, Essay and Photo-Meme Contest

November 22, 2019 at 3:41 p.m.
Enter the annual diocesan Respect Life Poster, Essay and Photo-Meme Contest
Enter the annual diocesan Respect Life Poster, Essay and Photo-Meme Contest

Students will have the opportunity to reflect on how their hope in Christ’s promise of salvation connects with everyday life – and the issues everyday life brings.

With the theme “Christ Our Hope – In Every Season of Life,” the Diocese’s annual Respect Life Poster, Essay and Photo-Meme Contest is currently accepting entries. Participation is open to children in kindergarten through eighth grades who are enrolled in Catholic grammar schools, parish religious education programs, junior youth programs and home-schooled students.

“At a time when many people, especially young people, may lose hope in difficult situations, our Church is here to teach us that even in the darkest moments of our lives, we will be given the strength to persevere,” said Rachel Hendricks, diocesan coordinator of the Respect Life Ministry in the Department of Pastoral Care, which is sponsoring the contest.

WHO can enter?

K-8th grade students in the Diocese of Trenton, from Catholic elementary schools, parish religious education programs, youth ministry programs or home-schooled students.

What CATEGORIES can I enter?

Grades K-2 Poster, Grades 3-5 Poster, Grades 3-5 Essay, Grades 6-8 Poster, Grades 6-8 Essay, Grades 6-8 Photo-Meme

RULES for each entry:

• Created by one individual student (no group entries)

• Created entirely by the student (no adult help)

• Stay on theme, pertain to pro-life issues


• Posters: no larger than 20” x 30” and no smaller than 8.5” x 11”

• Freehand drawing: collages of magazine pictures or computer-generated drawings are not  admissible

• Essays:  400 to 500 words, typed and submitted in PDF format

• Photo-Memes:  original photo including a caption containing the theme, submitted in JPEG format

What are the JUDGES looking for?

Creativity, clarity of message and visual appeal

What is the DEADLINE to enter?

Entries from schools, religious education or youth ministry programs must be received by the principal, DRE/CRE, youth minister or their designee by Dec. 6 for preliminary review. Home-schooling parents may submit their child’s/children’s entries without this preliminary review.

What is the DEADLINE for submission to the DIOCESE?

Entries must be received at the Diocese by Dec. 20. One entry from each category can be submitted per school/parish/program. Essays and Photo-Memes should be sent electronically to: [email protected]. Send Poster entries to: Diocese of Trenton, c/o Respect Life Contest – Rachel Hendricks, 701 Lawrenceville Rd., Trenton, NJ 08648

What PRIZES will be awarded, and WHEN?

• $100 prizes for one winning entry in each of the six categories, diocesan-wide

• $40 prizes for the first runner-up in each category, in each county

• Prizes will be awarded at the Respect Life Mass, to be celebrated in one parish in each county of the Diocese on March 1, 2020. Mass sites will be announced in 2020.

What if I have QUESTIONS?

Contact Rachel Hendricks, 609-403-7192, [email protected], or visit https://dioceseoftrenton.org/respect-life-ministry. For more information about the theme, visit www.usccb.org/about/pro-life-activities/respect-life-program/index.cfm


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Students will have the opportunity to reflect on how their hope in Christ’s promise of salvation connects with everyday life – and the issues everyday life brings.

With the theme “Christ Our Hope – In Every Season of Life,” the Diocese’s annual Respect Life Poster, Essay and Photo-Meme Contest is currently accepting entries. Participation is open to children in kindergarten through eighth grades who are enrolled in Catholic grammar schools, parish religious education programs, junior youth programs and home-schooled students.

“At a time when many people, especially young people, may lose hope in difficult situations, our Church is here to teach us that even in the darkest moments of our lives, we will be given the strength to persevere,” said Rachel Hendricks, diocesan coordinator of the Respect Life Ministry in the Department of Pastoral Care, which is sponsoring the contest.

WHO can enter?

K-8th grade students in the Diocese of Trenton, from Catholic elementary schools, parish religious education programs, youth ministry programs or home-schooled students.

What CATEGORIES can I enter?

Grades K-2 Poster, Grades 3-5 Poster, Grades 3-5 Essay, Grades 6-8 Poster, Grades 6-8 Essay, Grades 6-8 Photo-Meme

RULES for each entry:

• Created by one individual student (no group entries)

• Created entirely by the student (no adult help)

• Stay on theme, pertain to pro-life issues


• Posters: no larger than 20” x 30” and no smaller than 8.5” x 11”

• Freehand drawing: collages of magazine pictures or computer-generated drawings are not  admissible

• Essays:  400 to 500 words, typed and submitted in PDF format

• Photo-Memes:  original photo including a caption containing the theme, submitted in JPEG format

What are the JUDGES looking for?

Creativity, clarity of message and visual appeal

What is the DEADLINE to enter?

Entries from schools, religious education or youth ministry programs must be received by the principal, DRE/CRE, youth minister or their designee by Dec. 6 for preliminary review. Home-schooling parents may submit their child’s/children’s entries without this preliminary review.

What is the DEADLINE for submission to the DIOCESE?

Entries must be received at the Diocese by Dec. 20. One entry from each category can be submitted per school/parish/program. Essays and Photo-Memes should be sent electronically to: [email protected]. Send Poster entries to: Diocese of Trenton, c/o Respect Life Contest – Rachel Hendricks, 701 Lawrenceville Rd., Trenton, NJ 08648

What PRIZES will be awarded, and WHEN?

• $100 prizes for one winning entry in each of the six categories, diocesan-wide

• $40 prizes for the first runner-up in each category, in each county

• Prizes will be awarded at the Respect Life Mass, to be celebrated in one parish in each county of the Diocese on March 1, 2020. Mass sites will be announced in 2020.

What if I have QUESTIONS?

Contact Rachel Hendricks, 609-403-7192, [email protected], or visit https://dioceseoftrenton.org/respect-life-ministry. For more information about the theme, visit www.usccb.org/about/pro-life-activities/respect-life-program/index.cfm


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