Retreat opportunities abound in Diocese, state

July 29, 2019 at 12:37 p.m.

Retreats being offered around the Diocese of Trenton and beyond:

5/8 • 7:30 - 9 p.m.
Upper Room Spiritual Center, 3455 W. Bangs Ave., Neptune

Men’s Spirituality Group - Our desire is to grow in spirit and move closer to God by generating loving, supportive discussions on all things spiritual.

Facilitator: Jack Hudak, Cost $10.

To register, call 732-922-0550 or email: [email protected].

5/8, 5/15, 5/19 • 6:30 – 8 p.m.

RANCOCAS, Francis House of Prayer, 39 Springside Road, Rancocas

The Impact of God – John of the Cross testifies to a God who longs to meet us and to love us in our deepest need.  John’s writing draws us gently along the road of deepening relationship with this God of love, into the immense depth of life-giving prayer.

Facilitator: Iain Matthew, Cost $60,includes book.

To register, call 609-877-0509 or visit:

5/9 • 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

RANCOCAS, Francis House of Prayer, 39 Springside Road, Rancocas

Thoughts Matter - “My thoughts make all the difference in my world.”  Believe it or not, we have the ability to choose our thoughts.  The retreat will help participants learn to notice their thoughts as they arise and choose to accept them or replace them.  With prayer and practice, we can choose our thoughts and receive a mind at peace, stilled and available for conscious thinking at will.

To register, call 609-877-0509 or visit:

5/14 • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

NEPTUNE, Upper Room Spiritual Center, 3455 W. Bangs Ave., Neptune

Centering Prayer: Continuing Our Transformation in Christ - Come to learn and pray with Father Thomas Keating (DVD) as he leads us deeper into our center and transformation in Christ. Includes Centering Prayer session.

Facilitator: Sun Spriggs, Cost $35-$50 (sliding scale - light lunch included)

To register, call 732-922-0550 or email: [email protected].

5/15, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.

NEPTUNE, Upper Room Spiritual Center, 3455 W. Bangs Ave., Neptune

Knitting and Prayer – Learn how to combine your knitting/crocheting skills with prayer and compassion, and create a prayer shawl for someone in need of prayer. Little or no experience required.

Free-will offering.

To register, call 732-922-0550 or email: [email protected].

5/15 • 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

RANCOCAS, Francis House of Prayer, 39 Springside Road, Rancocas

The Art of Listening – This presentation will explore three aspects of listening:  listening to others, listening to self, and listening to God as paths to a deeper spiritual life. 

Led by Jane Kopas.  Donation: $20 and includes lunch.

To register, call 609-877-0509 or visit:


5/17-19 • 6 p.m. arrival – 1 p.m. departure

SOUTH MANTOLOKING, St. Joseph By the Sea, 400 Rt. 35 North

Gift From the Sea – Women’s Contemplative Weekend - Patience, patience, patience, the sea teaches. Patience and Faith.

Come for a weekend to be inspired by the classic book, “Gift From the Sea” by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Explore insights about wholeness, balance of life, work, relationships and spiritual guidance. Please bring a copy of the book. Mass included.

Presenter: Paulette Cicero, M.Th. CSD; Cost: $220.

To register, call 732-892-8494 or visit:

5/17-24 • 7 p.m. arrival – 10:30 a.m. departure

NEPTUNE, Upper Room Spiritual Center, 3455 W. Bangs Ave., Neptune

Six-Day Directed Retreat – A directed retreat invites participants to be especially attentive to the movement of the Holy Spirit within an atmosphere of solitude and silence. Regular meetings with an experienced director as well as Scripture and life experience to provide the primary material for prayer.

Cost $575 (seven nights)

To register, call 732-922-0550 or email: [email protected].


5/14 • 5:30 p.m. supper; 6:15-7:45 p.m. presentation

CALDWELL, Caldwell Dominican Motherhouse

Lumen Center, 1 Ryerson Ave., Caldwell

The Power of Words – The presentation uses inspirational quotes to demonstrate positive thinking and is focused on sharing strategies, inspiration and spiritual practices that can be applied to everyday life.

Presenter: Pam Robertson. Fee: $25-$35 includes supper.  (Pay within your means)

To register, call 973-403-3331 or visit:


5/18 • 9:15 a.m. – 3 p.m.

CALDWELL, Caldwell Dominican Motherhouse

Lumen Center, 1 Ryerson Ave., Caldwell

Our Call to Love: A Day of Retreat with Paula D’Arcy - During this day of retreat we’ll listen together to our true source, God. There will be presentations, ample time for questions, and some time for silence and reflection.

Presenter: Paula Darcy, registration required. Fee: $50-$60 (Pay within your means) Breakfast and lunch are provided.

To register, call 973-403-3331 or visit:


5/30 • 7-9 p.m.

NEPTUNE, Upper Room Spiritual Center, 3455 W. Bangs Ave., Neptune

12-Step Spirituality for Every Day Life – Recover your relationship with God, yourself, and with others utilizing the practical tools of traditional 12 Step spirituality to foster patience, compassion, acceptance, trust and love.

Presenter: Grace Conte. Cost $15 - $30 (sliding scale)

To register, call 732-922-0550 or email: [email protected].


5/30 • 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

MORRISTOWN, Loyola Jesuit Center, 161 James St., Morristown

Loyola Day of Prayer - Ascension of Jesus

Led by Jesuit Father Tom Marciniak

Cost $40, includes breakfast, lunch, Reconciliation and Mass.

Call 973-539-0740 or visit:


6/10 • 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

MORRISTOWN, Loyola Jesuit Center, 161 James St., Morristown

Loyola Day of Prayer - Pentecost

Led by Anna Graziano, spiritual director

Cost $40, includes breakfast, lunch, Reconciliation and Mass.

Call 973-539-0740 or visit:

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Retreats being offered around the Diocese of Trenton and beyond:

5/8 • 7:30 - 9 p.m.
Upper Room Spiritual Center, 3455 W. Bangs Ave., Neptune

Men’s Spirituality Group - Our desire is to grow in spirit and move closer to God by generating loving, supportive discussions on all things spiritual.

Facilitator: Jack Hudak, Cost $10.

To register, call 732-922-0550 or email: [email protected].

5/8, 5/15, 5/19 • 6:30 – 8 p.m.

RANCOCAS, Francis House of Prayer, 39 Springside Road, Rancocas

The Impact of God – John of the Cross testifies to a God who longs to meet us and to love us in our deepest need.  John’s writing draws us gently along the road of deepening relationship with this God of love, into the immense depth of life-giving prayer.

Facilitator: Iain Matthew, Cost $60,includes book.

To register, call 609-877-0509 or visit:

5/9 • 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

RANCOCAS, Francis House of Prayer, 39 Springside Road, Rancocas

Thoughts Matter - “My thoughts make all the difference in my world.”  Believe it or not, we have the ability to choose our thoughts.  The retreat will help participants learn to notice their thoughts as they arise and choose to accept them or replace them.  With prayer and practice, we can choose our thoughts and receive a mind at peace, stilled and available for conscious thinking at will.

To register, call 609-877-0509 or visit:

5/14 • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

NEPTUNE, Upper Room Spiritual Center, 3455 W. Bangs Ave., Neptune

Centering Prayer: Continuing Our Transformation in Christ - Come to learn and pray with Father Thomas Keating (DVD) as he leads us deeper into our center and transformation in Christ. Includes Centering Prayer session.

Facilitator: Sun Spriggs, Cost $35-$50 (sliding scale - light lunch included)

To register, call 732-922-0550 or email: [email protected].

5/15, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.

NEPTUNE, Upper Room Spiritual Center, 3455 W. Bangs Ave., Neptune

Knitting and Prayer – Learn how to combine your knitting/crocheting skills with prayer and compassion, and create a prayer shawl for someone in need of prayer. Little or no experience required.

Free-will offering.

To register, call 732-922-0550 or email: [email protected].

5/15 • 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

RANCOCAS, Francis House of Prayer, 39 Springside Road, Rancocas

The Art of Listening – This presentation will explore three aspects of listening:  listening to others, listening to self, and listening to God as paths to a deeper spiritual life. 

Led by Jane Kopas.  Donation: $20 and includes lunch.

To register, call 609-877-0509 or visit:


5/17-19 • 6 p.m. arrival – 1 p.m. departure

SOUTH MANTOLOKING, St. Joseph By the Sea, 400 Rt. 35 North

Gift From the Sea – Women’s Contemplative Weekend - Patience, patience, patience, the sea teaches. Patience and Faith.

Come for a weekend to be inspired by the classic book, “Gift From the Sea” by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Explore insights about wholeness, balance of life, work, relationships and spiritual guidance. Please bring a copy of the book. Mass included.

Presenter: Paulette Cicero, M.Th. CSD; Cost: $220.

To register, call 732-892-8494 or visit:

5/17-24 • 7 p.m. arrival – 10:30 a.m. departure

NEPTUNE, Upper Room Spiritual Center, 3455 W. Bangs Ave., Neptune

Six-Day Directed Retreat – A directed retreat invites participants to be especially attentive to the movement of the Holy Spirit within an atmosphere of solitude and silence. Regular meetings with an experienced director as well as Scripture and life experience to provide the primary material for prayer.

Cost $575 (seven nights)

To register, call 732-922-0550 or email: [email protected].


5/14 • 5:30 p.m. supper; 6:15-7:45 p.m. presentation

CALDWELL, Caldwell Dominican Motherhouse

Lumen Center, 1 Ryerson Ave., Caldwell

The Power of Words – The presentation uses inspirational quotes to demonstrate positive thinking and is focused on sharing strategies, inspiration and spiritual practices that can be applied to everyday life.

Presenter: Pam Robertson. Fee: $25-$35 includes supper.  (Pay within your means)

To register, call 973-403-3331 or visit:


5/18 • 9:15 a.m. – 3 p.m.

CALDWELL, Caldwell Dominican Motherhouse

Lumen Center, 1 Ryerson Ave., Caldwell

Our Call to Love: A Day of Retreat with Paula D’Arcy - During this day of retreat we’ll listen together to our true source, God. There will be presentations, ample time for questions, and some time for silence and reflection.

Presenter: Paula Darcy, registration required. Fee: $50-$60 (Pay within your means) Breakfast and lunch are provided.

To register, call 973-403-3331 or visit:


5/30 • 7-9 p.m.

NEPTUNE, Upper Room Spiritual Center, 3455 W. Bangs Ave., Neptune

12-Step Spirituality for Every Day Life – Recover your relationship with God, yourself, and with others utilizing the practical tools of traditional 12 Step spirituality to foster patience, compassion, acceptance, trust and love.

Presenter: Grace Conte. Cost $15 - $30 (sliding scale)

To register, call 732-922-0550 or email: [email protected].


5/30 • 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

MORRISTOWN, Loyola Jesuit Center, 161 James St., Morristown

Loyola Day of Prayer - Ascension of Jesus

Led by Jesuit Father Tom Marciniak

Cost $40, includes breakfast, lunch, Reconciliation and Mass.

Call 973-539-0740 or visit:


6/10 • 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

MORRISTOWN, Loyola Jesuit Center, 161 James St., Morristown

Loyola Day of Prayer - Pentecost

Led by Anna Graziano, spiritual director

Cost $40, includes breakfast, lunch, Reconciliation and Mass.

Call 973-539-0740 or visit:

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