New Year's Resolution: Share the best from diocesan social media

July 29, 2019 at 12:37 p.m.
New Year's Resolution: Share the best from diocesan social media
New Year's Resolution: Share the best from diocesan social media

By Brittany Wilson | Social Media Coordinator

Here’s my New Year’s Resolution: Shine a light on some of the best social media responses from the faithful around the Diocese.

Each issue, I’ll highlight more significant posts on the Diocese of Trenton and Trenton Monitor Facebook pages, our Nos. 1 and 2 most active and engaging social media accounts, respectively.

Since the last issue, some standouts include memories from Mother Teresa’s 1995 visit to St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton, and words of thanks to begin the New Year.

On Dec. 18, after the news was released that Pope Francis had approved a miracle necessary for Mother Teresa’s canonization, Monitor Associate Editor Mary Stadnyk wrote: Surely there are many people from the Trenton Diocese who remember that glorious June 18, 1995, morning when Mother Teresa came to St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton, for a Mass celebrated by Bishop John C. Reiss. And now, it won't be long before the Diocese can honestly say that that a future saint had visited and attended Mass in our cathedral! I could go on about what it meant to me as a Catholic journalist to cover such an extraordinary event. But really, The Monitor would love to hear from you and any recollections you might have about the woman who dedicated her life to serving the poorest of the poor. Perhaps you were at the cathedral or you may have encountered her on another occasion, such as when she visited her sisters in New York. Maybe some of you had even seen her in her native India. Whatever the case, let us know. Send your thoughts …”

Mary’s post garnered an overwhelming response. Here are some of the highlights (it also had more than 65 likes and 60 shares):

• Milady Gonzalez: I was there that day. Waited in line from 2 a.m. in the morning to have a close seat to see her. It was a wonderful day I will never forget. Thank you for sharing.
• Jo-Ann DiTerlizzi Metzdorff: Mother Teresa spoke at my college commencement in 1976. While I did not get the opportunity to meet her, her words stayed with me.
• Mary Thomas: I had the great privilege of being in the choir that sang for the Mass. An unforgettable experience for which I'm very grateful.
• Olga Figueroa: My mother and I were there that beautiful day. There were so many of us waiting at the church in anticipation of her visit. I was so amazed at how tiny she was and yet felt her grand presence of love and peace as she walked past us towards the altar. The Knights of Columbus surrounded her and it made it a bit difficult to photograph her, but I will forever remember that day. Peace be with us all.
• Lois Rogers (retired Monitor features editor): Mary, it's a never to be forgotten day and I'm so grateful that we got to savor it together —  the memories of that day will always be treasures.

To end each work week, the Diocese of Trenton poses the following questions to those with whom it is connected: “What are you thankful to God for this Friday?” On Jan. 1, the responses were more abundant that usual. Here’s a sampling:

• Lisa Burke: Life, love, family and friends.
• Linda Hildner: Love, life, family, happiness and friends
• Raymond Patsky: Last year and the beginning of a new year.
• Don Daniel: Everything
• Peter D. Gelinas: The Body of Christ, God's grace and mercy, and all that is good.
• Jack McGuire: Surviving 2015 and allowing me to share in the Year of Mercy in 2016.
• Susan Condron Belzner: Life

Want to see your name and comments in the next issue? It could be as easy as connecting with us on social media.

Brittany Wilson is the Diocese of Trenton’s social media coordinator. She can be reached at [email protected].


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By Brittany Wilson | Social Media Coordinator

Here’s my New Year’s Resolution: Shine a light on some of the best social media responses from the faithful around the Diocese.

Each issue, I’ll highlight more significant posts on the Diocese of Trenton and Trenton Monitor Facebook pages, our Nos. 1 and 2 most active and engaging social media accounts, respectively.

Since the last issue, some standouts include memories from Mother Teresa’s 1995 visit to St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton, and words of thanks to begin the New Year.

On Dec. 18, after the news was released that Pope Francis had approved a miracle necessary for Mother Teresa’s canonization, Monitor Associate Editor Mary Stadnyk wrote: Surely there are many people from the Trenton Diocese who remember that glorious June 18, 1995, morning when Mother Teresa came to St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton, for a Mass celebrated by Bishop John C. Reiss. And now, it won't be long before the Diocese can honestly say that that a future saint had visited and attended Mass in our cathedral! I could go on about what it meant to me as a Catholic journalist to cover such an extraordinary event. But really, The Monitor would love to hear from you and any recollections you might have about the woman who dedicated her life to serving the poorest of the poor. Perhaps you were at the cathedral or you may have encountered her on another occasion, such as when she visited her sisters in New York. Maybe some of you had even seen her in her native India. Whatever the case, let us know. Send your thoughts …”

Mary’s post garnered an overwhelming response. Here are some of the highlights (it also had more than 65 likes and 60 shares):

• Milady Gonzalez: I was there that day. Waited in line from 2 a.m. in the morning to have a close seat to see her. It was a wonderful day I will never forget. Thank you for sharing.
• Jo-Ann DiTerlizzi Metzdorff: Mother Teresa spoke at my college commencement in 1976. While I did not get the opportunity to meet her, her words stayed with me.
• Mary Thomas: I had the great privilege of being in the choir that sang for the Mass. An unforgettable experience for which I'm very grateful.
• Olga Figueroa: My mother and I were there that beautiful day. There were so many of us waiting at the church in anticipation of her visit. I was so amazed at how tiny she was and yet felt her grand presence of love and peace as she walked past us towards the altar. The Knights of Columbus surrounded her and it made it a bit difficult to photograph her, but I will forever remember that day. Peace be with us all.
• Lois Rogers (retired Monitor features editor): Mary, it's a never to be forgotten day and I'm so grateful that we got to savor it together —  the memories of that day will always be treasures.

To end each work week, the Diocese of Trenton poses the following questions to those with whom it is connected: “What are you thankful to God for this Friday?” On Jan. 1, the responses were more abundant that usual. Here’s a sampling:

• Lisa Burke: Life, love, family and friends.
• Linda Hildner: Love, life, family, happiness and friends
• Raymond Patsky: Last year and the beginning of a new year.
• Don Daniel: Everything
• Peter D. Gelinas: The Body of Christ, God's grace and mercy, and all that is good.
• Jack McGuire: Surviving 2015 and allowing me to share in the Year of Mercy in 2016.
• Susan Condron Belzner: Life

Want to see your name and comments in the next issue? It could be as easy as connecting with us on social media.

Brittany Wilson is the Diocese of Trenton’s social media coordinator. She can be reached at [email protected].


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