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We are ‘A World at Prayer

The cover of The Monitor’s March issue tells a story we all can understand.  A universal call to prayer for Pope Francis as he continues to be treated for pneumonia and other serious health issues has moved the hearts of the faithful and people of good will around the world. We bring you SPECIAL COVERAGE on the Holy Father’s health crisis and how it has impacted the Church and the faith.

Other important content you will not want to miss:
Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., writes about the gift of family life  and the importance of forgiveness.

SPECIAL REPORTS on Ukraine in light of a falling out with the U.S. government, and the Church’s efforts to continue to support those in need around the world in spite of devastating withdrawals of federal funding.

With LENT underway, we bring you coverage of Ash Wednesday, parish Lenten programs and the annual message from Pope Francis.

The March issue also includes:
WE BELIEVE . . . Full coverage of annual Catholic Men for Jesus Christ Conference; Diocese brings young adults together for reflection on beauty, art and love; Jubilee Year pilgrimages deepen pilgrims’ faith
PEOPLE . . . Deacon candidates reach a milestone; Living the Gospel section spotlights efforts to help others; Princeton parishioner and media producer takes on faith-based subjects; Congressman Chris Smith honored with laity award
BEREAVEMENT . . .  How to help a grieving friend; the ministry of cemetery upkeep
COLUMNS  . . .  Readers’ Corner focus on ‘Arming Ourselves with the Truth’; Father Koch’s Scripture reflections; Mary Morrell asks, “Is peace missing in our hearts”; Managing Faith and Sports; Question Corner and more.

The March print edition has been mailed to all PREMIUM SUBSCRIBERS (those who receive both the print and digital editions). Not yet getting the print edition? Upgrade now by clicking  HERE or writing to [email protected]

Your digital edition is available HERE. Remember that you have unlimited access to all content at (currently no sign-in is required).  Don’t hesitate to reach out to the email address above or call (609) 403-7169 if you need any assistance.

As we make our way through this penitential season, may we also continue to lift our voices in prayer for our Holy Father’s full recovery.  God bless you all.

Rayanne Bennett
Associate Publisher

And The Monitor team

Our Catholic witness to a world in need
Speaking to the immense congregation in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton, for the first statewide Mass for Life Sept. 26, Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., expressed a belief he has shared many times in the past: “To be Catholic is to be pro-life.”
The Bishop emphasized the preeminent priority for Catholics to protect human life in the womb, but he did not leave his message there. As he is also known to say with regularity, “Ours is a duty to protect all human life. Every human life. From conception to natural death.”
This issue of The Monitor Magazine points readers toward the many ways that their prayers and faithful action can affirm the dignity of human life in all its stages and needs. Look for this special content:
RESPECT LIFE MONTH – A message from Bishop O’Connell and reporting on the statewide initiative that brought more than a thousand pro-life advocates to Trenton to pray, rally and march to end abortion.  Also … information on a Respect Life Novena. 
FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP – In the run-up to the presidential election, Bishop O’Connell’s message on our call to political responsibility in the light of our Catholic faith; Pope Francis’ assessment on the U.S. election, and the importance of dialogue.
HURRICANE RELIEF – Taking stock of the enormous need following one of the deadliest storms to hit the southeastern region of the country; find out how you can help.
ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE HAMAS ATTACK ON ISRAEL – The Church’s call to end the violence and release the hostages, as Catholic agencies work to serve the suffering as the war spreads.   
Readers will also find reports on some of the Church’s major initiatives:
SYNOD ON SYNODALITY – Look for a recap of what to expect in the second Synod of Bishops now underway in Rome, and meet the young correspondent from the Diocese who is covering it for The Monitor.
2025 HOLY YEAR – What are Jubilees in the Church all about and how can the faithful of the Diocese of Trenton engage in the celebration?
WORLD MISSION SUNDAY – A message from the Bishop on helping the Church where it is ‘young, suffering and threatened’ and the annual report on how the Diocese’s faithful support the missions.
DON’T MISS … THE ANNUAL HIGH SCHOOL SHOWCASE and an inspiring collection of local stories about our parishes and people.
The October print edition has been mailed to all PREMIUM SUBSCRIBERS (those who receive both the print and digital editions). Not yet a PREMIUM subscriber? Upgrade now by clicking  HERE or writing to [email protected]
Your digital edition is available HERE. Remember that you have unlimited access to all content at (currently no sign-in is required).  Don’t hesitate to reach out to the email address above or call (609) 403-7169 if you need any assistance.
Rayanne Bennett
Associate Publisher
And The Monitor teamSpeaking to the immense congregation in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton, for the first statewide Mass for Life Sept. 26, Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., expressed a belief he has shared many times in the past: “To be Catholic is to be pro-life.”
The Bishop emphasized the preeminent priority for Catholics to protect human life in the womb, but he did not leave his message there. As he is also known to say with regularity, “Ours is a duty to protect all human life. Every human life. From conception to natural death.”
This issue of The Monitor Magazine points readers toward the many ways that their prayers and faithful action can affirm the dignity of human life in all its stages and needs. Look for this special content:
RESPECT LIFE MONTH – A message from Bishop O’Connell and reporting on the statewide initiative that brought more than a thousand pro-life advocates to Trenton to pray, rally and march to end abortion.  Also … information on a Respect Life Novena. 
FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP – In the run-up to the presidential election, Bishop O’Connell’s message on our call to political responsibility in the light of our Catholic faith; Pope Francis’ assessment on the U.S. election, and the importance of dialogue.
HURRICANE RELIEF – Taking stock of the enormous need following one of the deadliest storms to hit the southeastern region of the country; find out how you can help.
ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE HAMAS ATTACK ON ISRAEL – The Church’s call to end the violence and release the hostages, as Catholic agencies work to serve the suffering as the war spreads.   
Readers will also find reports on some of the Church’s major initiatives:
SYNOD ON SYNODALITY – Look for a recap of what to expect in the second Synod of Bishops now underway in Rome, and meet the young correspondent from the Diocese who is covering it for The Monitor.
2025 HOLY YEAR – What are Jubilees in the Church all about and how can the faithful of the Diocese of Trenton engage in the celebration?
WORLD MISSION SUNDAY – A message from the Bishop on helping the Church where it is ‘young, suffering and threatened’ and the annual report on how the Diocese’s faithful support the missions.
DON’T MISS … THE ANNUAL HIGH SCHOOL SHOWCASE and an inspiring collection of local stories about our parishes and people.
The October print edition has been mailed to all PREMIUM SUBSCRIBERS (those who receive both the print and digital editions). Not yet a PREMIUM subscriber? Upgrade now by clicking  HERE or writing to [email protected]
Your digital edition is available HERE. Remember that you have unlimited access to all content at (currently no sign-in is required).  Don’t hesitate to reach out to the email address above or call (609) 403-7169 if you need any assistance.
Rayanne Bennett
Associate Publisher
And The Monitor team 

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