Words that make a lasting impact

I'm one of those people who will immediately reach to touch when told, "Don't touch that, it's hot." It's not that I don't believe the person who's speaking, it's that I've learned from experience that situations change and hot things usually become cool.

Seven ways to avoid explaining the 'fiscal facts of life' to your children

Good news, moms and dads! It has never been easier to avoid having that awkward conversation with your children: explaining the fiscal facts of life.

Newly installed pastors garner congratulations on social media

Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., installed two pastors during Masses the weekend of Aug 20-21. Father John K. Butler was installed as pastor of St. Michael, West End, and Father Rene Pulgarin was installed as pastor of St. Joseph, Keyport.

Sparking and embarking on 21st century learning adventures

I love to learn.  It’s in my DNA.  It is something that is enjoyed, savored, and in quiet moments, reflected upon.  It feeds the soul and expands imagination.

Move from empathy to action

One evening years ago, my family was sitting around the dinner table on a school night. Our oldest daughter, who had just turned 16 and gotten her driver's license, related that she had run over a squirrel on her way home from school.

Fired with enthusiasm

Churchgoing Catholics heard Jesus speak to them from the Gospel of Luke on a mid-August Sunday this year. He said, "I have come to set the earth on fire" (Lk 12:49).

Make life better with fun, simple life hacks

Last year, I attended an event featuring a roundtable discussion between teens and the top executive of a national nonprofit organization.

A Mother to Many -- A humble, fearless and fully human saint

I approach Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s life as an observer, not as a biographer or theologian. 

Whom do we play for?

Amid all the Olympics coverage I watched, I was most taken by the women's basketball team. Their passion was mesmerizing and their tenacity in stepping up to all manner of challenges made me proud. In particular, I could not get over how repeatedly they were described as "unselfish."

Feeding off life's sacred fire

Recently I was listening to a very discouraged man who, looking at the selfishness, greed, and violence in our world, blamed it all on the devil. “It must be the anti-Christ,” he said, “How else do you explain all this, so many people breaking basically every commandment. “

Scammed no more!

The time I spend to write this column was supposed to have been spent with a friend whom I have not seen in years.

Before canonization, faithful share memories of Mother Teresa's visit to Trenton

While the Monitor was working on its special edition to coincide with the canonization of St. Teresa of Kolkata, many visitors flowed through the publication’s offices to talk about their experiences during the saint’s 1995 visit to Trenton.

Dreaming of the Caribbean: bold adventures, surprise homecomings

The phone call came when I was boiling sweet corn – suppertime on a hum-drum Sunday whose excitement peaked with a trip to the grocery store.

How can Catholics relate to Mary?

Of all the aspects of Mary, her motherhood is the one that takes hold of the average Catholic. We can easily imagine the indescribable intimacy that exists between a mother and son.

Write your own story

Imagine a scenario where answering one question correctly could win you untold riches. The challenge is simple: "From a box of DVDs featuring movies you've never seen or heard of, can you pick one that's good?"

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