Overcoming unavoidable awkward moments

My family didn't eat out a lot when I was growing up. And when we did, we rarely ate at chain restaurants.

Who do you say that I am?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that "Jesus Christ is true God and true man" (No. 464).

Angels with Sickles and God's Fury

There’s a haunting text in the Book of Revelation where poetic image, for all its beauty, can be dangerously misleading.

The need for witnesses like Edith Stein

You cannot overstate how strange and perplexing this U.S. election season has been.

Parenthood and the high cost of loving

Most new parents go through "baby sticker shock" when they start to realize the cost of raising that dear, sweet, precious little person -- for 18 years.

Micah, Xavier -- what's in a name?

Recent weeks have brought violence and senseless killings to this nation; I am thinking in particular of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Dallas. It intrigues me that the Dallas assassin bore the names Micah and Xavier.

I have met hope ... in person

In July I traveled to Serbia, Greece and Lebanon to review the refugee situation now that the borders to Northern Europe are closed. While the flow of people has diminished, it has not ceased. Migration is now largely dependent on traffickers who charge individuals 4,000 to 6,000 euros to facilitate …

Lessons learned from politicians and gladiators

In less than three months, millions of young adults like you will cast ballots for the first time.

A garden's mystique: Quotes to inspire

Roman Senator Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote, "If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need."

The fear of extremism and violence

A woman confided to me that she was terribly afraid for her grandchildren to grow up in a world like ours. I conceded that the dangers are real, but I reminded her of the words of Jesus: "In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered …

No need to be afraid of God

Unless you are already a full saint or a mystic, you will always live in some fear of death and the afterlife. That’s simply part of being human. But we can, and must, move beyond our fear of God.

Mass to celebrate canonization, priest anniversaries spark conversation on social

On Sept. 4, Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., will celebrate a special Mass of Thanksgiving to commemorate the canonization of Blessed Teresa of Kolkata in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, a worship site of Mother of Mercy Parish, Asbury Park. 

Moving into a service society

The post-World War II GI Bill is arguably the best and biggest idea ever to find its way into law in the American experience. That legislation bore the name of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944.

Pure prayer is a joy

Pure prayer is a joy. This idea came from British Benedictine Abbot John Chapman, a biblical scholar and popular preacher who died in 1933. He taught that prayer is not necessarily found in our lofty thoughts or words, nor is it a matter of pious feelings; he insisted you should …

The wonderful world of theology

In Robert Bolt's play "A Man for All Seasons," Rich, who is enamored with the glory of court life, pleads with St. Thomas More for a court appointment.

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