A tip of the hat to former seminarians

Soon after my grandson turned 11, I said to him, "Well, in three years you can move away from home." He looked at me. "That's what I did," I said.  

Administrative professionals feted on Facebook for jobs well done

From the second annual Catholic Schools Do It All Day of Service, to Administrative Professionals Day there was no shortage of compelling content on the Diocese of Trenton’s social media accounts.

Speaking of simple things and love

In her best-selling book, “Gift From the Sea,” author Anne Morrow Lindbergh speaks of solitude, simplicity and caring for the soul, writing, “The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. To dig for treasures shows not only impatience and greed, but lack of …

Even in a world of darkness, love can win

During the Second Vatican Council, love became one of its constant themes. My German pastor would cry out "Love, love, love: That's all you hear these days! It is as if it never existed before."

Vengeful God vs. Loving Jesus

A lot of ink gets spilled when TV shows mock or put down Christianity, but ones that treat it respectfully often fly under the radar. 

Listening and encouragement foster team spirit

It's not easy being a teenager. It's also not easy being a preteen, toddler, senior citizen or anything in-between. No matter our age, there is one constant: Life is not easy.

Celebrating, but not too much

A few days ago, I was asked to "celebrate" lupus, the disabling disease that I have been living with for more than 15 years. The invitation came in an email, and close on its heels came one inviting me to "celebrate celiac disease." Before I could check my calendar, in …

There is always more to give than we think

In the great movie, "Schindler's List," there's a scene near the end that speaks poignantly to the heart of anyone who wants to do good in the world.

Rooting for servant leadership in upcoming election

This season of presidential primaries has shown abundant proof that we have all but lost an appreciation of servant leadership.

Conquering our fears

Suicide in the United States has surged to the highest levels in nearly 30 years, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. The center said the overall suicide rate rose 24 percent from 1999 to 2014. What is most disturbing is the steep rise of suicides in women and …

Step away from the smart phone - Who is susceptible to the latest form of addiction?

WASHINGTON • Let’s go back in time – way back – before Thomas Edison figured out how to harness electricity to make a lightbulb.

Centenarian, Pentecost rallies engage faithful on social media

It is not often that a birthday celebration causes a stir on our social media pages. But a recent milestone reached by a member of St. Gregory the Great Parish, Hamilton Square, garnered a lot of attention.

Going beyond the slogans to follow your dreams

Think about some of the suggestions we constantly receive not only from our friends and family, but also from society. Some examples include: Do what you love, follow your dreams, and anything is possible.

To bake is to believe: a convert in the kitchen

Staci Perry bakes like she lives. She doesn’t measure. She works with what’s already in the fridge. And she scrapes every last bit out of the bowl.  

At Hiroshima, urging peace and an end to materialism

Before President Barack Obama visits Hiroshima later this week, he would do well to read the cover story in the Aug. 20, 1945, issue of Time magazine.

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