Be firm in your convictions, but be nice

Stand up for yourself. You're told it's important. You're told if you don't do it, you shouldn't expect anyone else to do it for you. You're told it's necessary so people don't walk all over you.

New and modern challenges for young women and girls

I am not one who thinks everything was better when I was young and that the younger generation is doomed. Instead, I think growing up has always been tough. From my female perspective, I think it has been hard being a girl from day one.

Villanova's shining moment

Villanova is a suburban community on Philadelphia's tony Main Line, which takes its name from the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad headed west toward Pittsburgh and Chicago.

God is with us even when our greatest joy seems to vanish

As a priest, I've spent the past 30 years of my life writing about supernatural joy in the lives of others. The message is simple: faith, together with the discipline of controlling your thoughts, can help overcome even the most horrible emotional pain we can experience.

Experiencing the world through the eyes of another person

Recently, I listened to Junlei Li, of the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children's Media, speak about his work with children. He spoke to our advisory board at St. Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. 

A farewell loaded with lessons

I've been writing for the "Coming of Age" column since I graduated college in 2002. That's a lot of words. 

A passion for remembering is an Ebenezer passion

The ceiling of the Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church soars more than 70 feet high, supported by walls of cast stone, brownstone and brick.

Accepting what God has chosen for us

I've explained to God that he might want to rethink this free-will business. Yes, my generation can handle it, but those young people may not be able to handle it.

Facing pain with strength

We all have memories that cause instant anger or sorrow. Memories of moments in our lives that we want to hide, and memories we wish had never occurred.

Following mercy, not anger

Standing in line at the grocery, I waited for a young mom with a couple of kids to finish paying. 

Reflections of a mom

When students and professionals, men or women, have sought my advice on careers, one key point I mention is to not give up family for work. As Mother's Day arrives, let me share my experience.

Do not ask me to remember

Printed on a plain card with no attribution of authorship is an "Alzheimer's Poem" that a friend of mine sent me the other day. 

'A word to fiancés': the Francis effect on wedding planning

It had been a long Thursday, and Brooke Paris couldn’t wait to take off her heels, peel off her contacts and wipe off her make-up. She changed into her pajamas, climbed into bed and opened her MacBook to the pope’s new apostolic exhortation.

Marking an anniversary

Marking an anniversaryWhat we cease to celebrate we will soon cease to cherish. 

Prince and his unique journey toward God

The death of the legendary rock star Prince on April 21, 2016, led me to reflect on the impact fame and fortune had on his life. And it reminded me of a phrase I've heard: Fame and fortune won't ruin you, you do that to yourself.

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